Friday, April 23, 2010

How To Get A Big Sword On Poptropica

Thank you Toshiba

Ieri mi annoiavo e non sapevo cosa fare, allora ho deciso di conseguire un dottorato in ingegneria meccanica. L'ennesima istituzione, dopo le scuole elementari di Scopello nel 1990, le scuole medie di Balmuccia nel 1993, l'Istituto Tecnico Industriale Statale di Borgosesia nel 1998 ed il Politecnico di Torino nel 2004, non si e' accorta che sono un idiota, cosi' anche la University of Liverpool nel 2010 e' caduta nel mio tranello.
E' cominciato tutto quando avevo 5 anni: siccome per lanciare i giochi del Toshiba MSX bisognava scrivere una riga di comando e per sapere a che punto della cassetta cominciava il gioco bisognava saper contare, prima ancora di andare a scuola mio fratello mi aveva gia' insegnato a leggere, scrivere e contare. Questo non significa che fossi piu' intelligente, assolutamente. It just means that I was stoned with video games and I learned these three things before my peers.
My parents wanted me to even skip the first grade, but anyone with common sense should have made him out that I had the physique of an anorexic shrew, and then if I went to class with more than 'older than one year I would have done acts of continuous bullying as well as' the girls I would never smear of shit. Then somehow I started regularly and happily with my peers. This has influenced my whole school career until yesterday. Let me explain why '.
The first grade teacher thought, 'Go to this brave child who already knows' do it all! " and at the end of the year wrote a positive opinion on the report card. This site and to view 'was read by second grade teacher who, being very distracted and not' never noticed that I was a child any, even a little 'stupid to tell the truth, and based its opinion for that' past year on my reputation. All this and 'repeated for about 25 years until a Chinese professor and one of Southampton have decided to give me a doctorate based on the fact that my English speaker and, before him as the Polytechnic, they would not allow such an idiot to appear in that examination without being prepared.
So if you now call me doctor also outside Italy, and 'only thanks to my brother but mainly to Konami.
Yesterday I was bored and I didn't know what to do, so I decided to obtain a PhD in Mechanical Engineering. The umpteenth institution, after Scopello primary school in 1990, Balmuccia secondary school in 1993, the State Technical-Industrial Institute of Borgosesia in 1998 and Turin Polytechnic in 2004, didn't notice that I am an idiot so the University of Liverpool has also been tricked out.
It all started when I was 5: since I had to write a code line to start Toshiba MSX's games and I also need to count in order to know at which point of the tape the game started, far before starting school my brother already taught me how to read, write and count. This doesn't absolutely mean that I was more intelligent. It just mean that I was so focussed on videogames to waste my time on learning boring things before the other children of the same age.
My parents even wanted to make me start school directly from the second year but fortunately someone very wise made them aware of the fact that I had the physique of an anorexic shrew and so if I had gone in the same class of the children one year older than me I would have been bullied the whole time and, most importantly, little girls would have never considered me. So I somehow managed to start regularly and happily the right year as anyone else. This thing influenced my whole academic career until yesterday. I'll tell you why.
My first year teacher in 1985 probably thought:"Look what a nice little boy who already knows how to do everything!", so she wrote good recommendation on my final report. This positive record had been read by the second year teacher who was distracted and never noticed that I was an ordinary, and probably stupid, boy. So she based her final evaluation on my past reputation. This thing continued for about 25 years until a chinese professor and another professor from Southampton decided to give me a PhD based on the fact that my supervisor and people from Polytechnic would have never allowed an idiot to have a PhD viva without being ready for it.
So if now I am a Doctor outside Italy too, it is just thanks to my brother and especially to Konami.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Windowblinds Performance

The Blog Busca IN ITALIANO!


One of the reasons why I have reduced significantly the number of posts on my blog and 'the fact that many of the friends with whom I leave now do not understand the 'Italian and can not appreciate fully my stupidity because of language barrier. Here in Liverpool I can not do funny lines during normal conversations because 'use several minutes to translate the joke into English, and when I can, and' usually too late 'cause it's funny. These

my international friends can enjoy only a Busca intellectually castrated because of sua incapacita' nell'imparare lingue straniere. Questo NON E' GIUSTO nei loro confronti, perche' un Busca divertente e' un bene mondiale, non solo italiano.

Per questo motivo, e anche perche' sono molto occupato ultimamente, ho calcolato quanti dei miei amici-facebook non parlano italiano ed ho riscontrato che sono oltre un centinaio. 34 persone dal Regno Unito, 11 dagli USA, 6 malesi, 4 indiani, greci e canadesi piu' un altro fottio di persone provenienti da almeno altre 30 nazioni (tra cui 2 veneti e gente proveniente dallo Stato Indipendente del Wirral) che fino ad ora hanno potuto usufruire di un Busca a meta'. Avere un Busca senza humour e' come avere Lucy Pinder senza tette. Quasi inutile.

Quasi inutile FINORA.
As I understand
live about 50-70% of what my friends tell me International (reduced to 10-20% if 3 or more 'persons from Liverpool interact at the same time) and when I say I do not see me laughing, even if they are telling of a death in the family (I swear, I do not on purpose), and 'time to reward these people I love and I have endured for years from now writing my blog in both English and Italian.

do not think many of them will read it, but I do it anyway for at least 3 reasons. The first and 'that perhaps soon I'll go' from Liverpool and will not see 'more' many of these people. This blog will allow me bilingual 'to maintain a relationship with loro anche dopo, se vorranno leggermi e commentarmi, e continuare a criticare il cibo delle altre nazioni mentre loro mi prenderanno per il culo perche' non so nuotare o perche' non mangio cose con piu' di 5 ingredienti.

Il secondo motivo e' che forse cosi' non dimentichero' almeno come si SCRIVE in inglese, visto che con l'orale mi sono gia' arreso nel 2008.
Il terzo motivo e' che se per qualche stupido motivo loro volessero imparare l'italiano (visto che finora ho solo insegnato frasi del tipo "muovi il culo subito", "faccia di merda", "bella gnocca", "bella figa", "Milan, Milan vaffanculo", "Pizza pollo principessa carbonara") hanno questa fantastic opportunity 'to have fun text written in good English and Italian almost decent. Yes, I know that and 'full of errors.

Dear friends, you should appreciate my effort reading every time and write some comments here in the blog with my other Italian friends. If any of you comment on 'this post, I will be' happy.
If you do not, it does not matter. I am a cool anyway.


One of the reason why I drastically Reduced the number of posts on my blog is the fact That many of my friends I currently go out with do not understand Italian and can't fully appreciate my stupidity due to the language barrier. Here in Liverpool I can't make funny jokes during normal conversations since it takes me several minutes to translate the joke from Italian to English and, when I make it, it is usually too late for it to be funny.

These international friends can only enjoy an intellectually castrated Busca due to his incapability of learning foreign languages. This is NOT FAIR to them, because a funny Busca is an international benefit, not only an Italian one.

For this reason, and also because I am very busy lately, I calculated how many of my Facebook-friends don't know Italian and I found out that they are more than one hundred. 34 people from UK, 11 from USA, 6 Malaysian, 4 Indians, 4 Greeks and 4 Canadians and a lot of people from more than 30 countries (included are 2 people from Veneto and some from the Indipendent State of the Wirral) who, until now, could only enjoy a half-Busca. Having a humourless Busca is like having a boobless Lucy Pinder. Almost useless.

Almost useless UNTIL NOW.

Since in real conversations I understand about 50-70% of what my international friends tell me (reduced to 10-20% if 3 or more people from Liverpool are interacting at the same time) and since when I don't understand I reply with a laugh even if they're telling me about recent family mourning (I swear, I don't do it ON PURPOSE), time has come to reward these people I like and who tolerate my presence for years by writing my blog from now on in both English and Italian.

I don't think many of them will read it, but I do it anyway for at least 3 good reasons. The first reason is that I will probably leave Liverpool soon and I will not see most of these people. This bilingual blog will allow me to keep in touch with them afterward, if they want to read and comment it, and to keep criticising food from other countries while they will keep making fun of me because I can't swim or because I don't eat things with more than 5 ingredients.

The second reason is that perhaps I will at least not forget how to WRITE in English, since I gave up with speaking in 2008.
The third reason is that if any international friend for some silly reasons want to learn Italian (since so far I just taught sentences like "move your ass now", "shit-face", "beautiful pussy", "beautiful pussy"(again), "Milan, Milan fuck off" and "Pizza chicken princess carbonara") they have now this fantastic opportunity to have a funny text written in good Italian and almost decent English. Yes, I know it's full of mistakes.

Dear friends, you should appreciate my effort by reading it sometime and by writing some comments here in the blog with my other Italian friends. If at least one of you comments this post, I will be happy.
If you will not, it does not matter. I am awesome anyway.
(the URL of the blog is )

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Alternative To Caulking A Tub

time lost 5