Wednesday, November 24, 2010

How To Retie Moccasins

Orecchini rame in fiore

I came home, but mostly I'm back attiva creativamente. Rame, pinze e martello mi sono mancati! Il viaggetto è stato abbastanza proficuo, almeno per quanto riguarda i libri per la tesi e per le mostre. Il tour perlinoso non sono riuscita a farlo, ma ho capito in che zona di Roma devo cercare. Grazie ad Elisond e Cinzia per le dritte! In ogni caso qualche piccola novità ce l'ho, vi farò vedere!
Ecco, volendo già questi orecchini una novità la contengono, una piccola barretta in rame limata e lucidata a mano. Certo sono ancora in fase di sperimentazione e collaudo, ma sono soddisfatta lo stesso. Piano piano sto riuscendo a realizzare quello che ho in mente e  avere del materiale in più, un papà che ci capisce qualcosina e tools at hand helps me to at least know where to begin to give concrete form to ideas.

The XX - Shelter -

Friday, November 19, 2010

Marijuanna Blood Pressure

Bangle in Feltro 2

exam done yesterday! Yuppi, rejoice! ^ _ ^ Now I give myself a little vacation, I go to Rome to see my sweet little brother and his wife (tone deliberately pandering, I know you read!). In reality, not just a pleasure trip, at least not alone. I'll go around the library looking for books for my thesis, is not it quasi arrivato il momento, ma spero di fare altri giretti, vorrei fare una capatina qui e anche qui , ma quest'ultima credo salterà! Certo anche un bel negozio perlinoso non mi dispiacerebbe, qualcuno ne conosce uno a Roma da consigliarmi?! Intanto vi mostro questo bangle, che è amico di questi già presentati. Niente di più semplice, rotolo in cartone di riciclo e feltro a volontà!
Un bacio e alla prossima settimana!^_^

Santo Niente - Luna Viola -

Friday, November 12, 2010

Praktika To Nikon Adaptora

Orecchini - profumo di cioccolato -

back here on Friday evening, to write quickly to introduce something backward. Earrings, what a passion! ^ _ ^ As Copper antique with this warm tone that makes me think of chocolate, I like very much to inspire me and continue to work again and again! The shape is a little strange, not so much a diamond perfect, but nice to wear, dressed with a warm cream and a little flower felt wad of copper used in two different ways.

 Blonde Redhead - Hated Because of Great Qualities -

Monday, November 8, 2010

Filmgratis-my Mario Salieri

Dropbox is the easiest and free way to synchronize and share files online

Dropbox is the easiest way to synchronize and share files between computers and online.
The application is designed for iPhone and iPad and allows you to:

  • Look at the photos, videos, documents and presentations via your Dropbox "portable".
  • Save Photos and videos taken with your iPhone camera in your Dropbox and even video in HD if you have an iPhone 4!
  • Share and send files via e-mail link or copy and paste to share with another application.
  • Export files to Dropbox for iPhone and other iPad.
  • Select your favorite files for fast downloading and viewing offline.
  • Browse your photo galleries

Requirements: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch and iPad. IOS requires 3.1 or later.
This application requires a Dropbox account. If you do not already have a Dropbox account, the application will will create one for free .

Application Dropbox - Dropbox is a free download from the App Store Dropbox - Dropbox

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AmpliTube: Turn your iPhone into a guitar latest! By Reactable

Transform your iPhone and iPod Touch a chiatarra last type, in a multi-effect and low mobile recording studio! Use the
IRIG AmpliTube interface adapter to connect your guitar to your iPhone / iPod / iPad and you're ready to rock!
play, record at any time and anywhere with the guitar-iPhone con la comodità di tenere tutto contenuto nel palmo della vostra mano. AmpliTube per iPhone vi offre in una sola applicazione per dispositivi mobili toni ed effetti incredibilmente ultra-realistici, aggiunti ad una piena funzionalità di registrazione multitraccia.
AmpliTube - IK Multimedia è in vendita su App Store al prezzo di Euro 15,99. Per maggiori informazioni cliccate sul seguente pulsante AmpliTube - IK Multimedia

Requisiti:Compatibile con iPhone, iPod touch e iPad. Richiede iOS 3.1.3 o successive

Swollen Breast And Cramps

mobile iPhone can improvise and create your own music fun puzzle game

Improvvisa e crea la tua musica divertendoti, con The Reactable Mobile. Derived from the award-winning model "Reactable", already used by Björk, this application to your mobile device brings the power of creative interactive tool known. The Reactable
Mobile is based on the concept of modular synthesis, and includes sampling, sound effects and digital-DJing, combined with the more current man-machine interaction and multi-touch technology.

Reactable mobile - Reactable Systems SL is for sale on the App Store at a price of Euro 7.99. For more information click on the button below Reactable mobile - Reactable Systems SL
Requirements: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch and iPad. IOS requires 3.0 or later.

Using the same engine
sonic-visual Reactable, the version for mobile devices offers an extensive list of items multi-touch:

A set of sound generators: •
loop players, allowing you to load and use its loop,
• synthesizers, a wide range available,
• oscillator to generate complex sounds and pure,
• input lets you connect a microphone directly to the application.

a set of effects to change the sounds: •
designers waveform: distortion, compression and resampling (resampling) •
delays: reverb, feedback, ping-pong,
• Modules: ring, chorus and flanger,
• filters: low pass, high pass and band.

A set of objects that can change the parameters of other objects: •
sequencers, with step-by-step mode, or random array,
• Low Frequency Oscillators (LFO) with various waveforms,
• accelerometers, to change the parameters of the movements impressed by the device.

A set of global objects that allow you to change the entire instrument parameters: •
time to change the speed of the samples,
• volume to increase or decrease the level sound
• shades to change the harmony of the melody.
Reactable mobile - Reactable Systems SL

Welcome Speach Sample For Opening A Help Desk

Trainyard: New version 1.16 of the publication

Trainyard is a puzzle game totally different from what you've played so far. It 'easy to get a feel for the game but at the same time is very difficult to master all the mechanics. Your goal is simple: to allow each train to reach their goal. The Red Train Stations in Red, Blue Train Stations in Blue, etc.. You can check the trains drawing his finger with the path to follow. There is no time limit or a target score, the only thing you have to worry about è di trovare una soluzione per ogni puzzle.
Trainyard - Matt Rix è in vendita su App Store al prezzo di Euro 0,79

I primi Puzzle sono anche troppo semplici, ma quando la difficoltà inizierà ad aumentare, sarai felice di aver avuto la possibilità di allenarti prima nelle basi e nel disegnare i percorsi. Quando avanzerai nel gioco, dovrai basarti sui fondamentali delle combinazioni dei colori per combinare tra loro treni di diverso colore, calcolando il tempo giusto per unire o mescolare i treni ed usare ogni singolo neurone del tuo cervello per trovare una soluzione.

Al momento Trainyard è in offerta, but the price will rise soon!

  • Innovative and exciting gameplay
  • Sized increasing difficulty
  • 100 puzzles plus other bonus levels
  • Hundreds of ways to solve each puzzle
  • simply share your personal solution to
  • Designed for low power consumption
  • A year of work for the realization
  • Developed by Matt Rix
For more information click on the button below Trainyard - Matt Rix

What's New in version 1.16

  • Retina
  • display support High-res graphics on the iPad
  • Complete engine overhaul
  • A few new puzzles hard
  • Fixed crash-on-startup issue iOS4
  • Multitasking support now works Properly
  • Many more miscellaneous fixes

Friday, November 5, 2010

Mcculloch 2816 Carburetor Kit

Collana Vetro e Ametista

Questa settimana è volata, mi sono resa conto solo oggi, venerdì, che non avevo ancora postato nulla. Niente di niente, che sciagurata! Ma la cosa più grave è che mi stavo dimenticando di mostrarvi la collana - le foto belle e pronte le avevo già archiviate - quella di cui parlavo  qui . Eh si, non ho resistito, questi colori insieme mi piacciono da impazzire, e mi fa piacere sapere che siano piaciuti anche a voi!^_^
Insomma eccola qui. Un gioco di goccioline in rame anticato intrecciate tra loro e una catena, scompigliata anche lei come i fronzoli in ametista. Qualche particolare nel collage (il mio primo!!!) qui sotto!
Auguro a tutti un felice week end! Baci!

Collana e Bracciale - Vetro e Ametista - li trovate in vendita nel mi negozio su Il mio negozio su artesanum

Jeff Buckley - Hallelujah -

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Beauty Salon Swot Analysis

Simplifies Web video using Microsoft Expression Encoder Pro 4

Encodes a wide range of video file formats, to broadcast live from webcams and video cameras and capture the PC screen. You can make simple edits to video files and make them more engaging multimedia content with ads and overlays. Allows you to select your encoding settings, choose tra diversi modelli di lettore e di pubblicare straordinarie funzionalità multimediali con Microsoft Silverlight .

Acquista Microsoft Expression Encoder 4 Pro 
direttamente dal sito Microsoft Store al prezzo di Euro 255,00

  • Con i set di impostazioni e il pannello dei profili semplificato consente di creare contenuti Silverlight di elevata qualità senza dover apprendere tutti i segreti della compressione video
  • Consente di codificare il contenuto nel formato H.264 standard di settore grazie all'ausilio di diversi profili, including Baseline, Main and High, so that it can be used with many devices, such as Microsoft Zune and Apple iPod
  • mode A / B provides a quick preview of the output encoding, including content IIS Smooth Streaming speed in multi-bit, with a dual screen display that allows the comparison with the original
  • codecs H.264 and VC-1 support both multicore architecture that encodes multiprocessor with obtaining the appropriate hardware encoding performance improved considerably
  • To obtain the best possible output compressed Taking action cropping, resizing, deinterlacing and pulldown removal
  • offers the best esperienza di visualizzazione possibile grazie alla possibilità di rimuovere sezioni indesiderate, aggiungere rientri, annunci, filigrane o riconoscimenti di canale e combinare più clip in una nuova sequenza temporale a livello di singoli fotogrammi
  • Consente di proteggere il contenuto IIS Smooth Streaming collegando l'output a un server DRM (Digital Rights Management) PlayReady con un'unica casella di controllo e un collegamento a un server PlayReady
  • Consente di importare i formati QuickTime, AVI, MPEG e altri ancora in Expression Encoder Pro, di sfruttare gli ultimi miglioramenti in termini di qualità e velocità nei codec VC-1 o H.264, di scegliere il modello Silverlight preferito e di pubblicare i contenuti.
System Requirements
  • Screen Monitor with a resolution of 1024 x 768 or higher and 24 bit color
  • Browser Some product features require Internet Explorer 8 or higher or FireFox 3.0 or later Connectivity to
  • functionality Web access is required to the Internet (which may apply)
  • 2 GB Hard Drive DVD
  • compatible Memory 1 GB of RAM
  • OS Windows 7, Vista or XP SP3
  • Other Support Microsoft DirectX 9.0 graphics card driver with Windows Vista Display Driver Model (WDDM), 128 MB of graphics memory, Pixel Shader 3.0 in hardware, 32 bits per pixel
  • Actual requirements and product functionality may vary depending on system configuration and operating system
  • Download SKU #: FKA-00581
  • Processor 1 GHz or higher
  • Software. Net Framework 4.0, Silverlight 4.0

What Happened To Fakku?

Windows 7 Home Premium upgrade version

The best entertainment experience on up to three PCs!
Windows 7 Home Premium offers a comprehensive and dynamic entertainment to your PC, making it easy to create a home network and share all your photos, videos and songs music you prefer.
The package includes a disc with a license that can be used on up to three computers . This product includes both the 32-bit and 64 bit.
before buying

  • have Windows Vista?
  • If you have Windows Vista, then buy the upgrade versions of Windows 7. You can perform a clean installation, or back up files, install, then reinstall the applications, or in-place upgrade by installing Windows 7 without uninstalling Windows Vista.
  • Do you have older versions?
  • If you have Windows XP, you can buy the upgrade versions of Windows 7. However, you will have to back up your files, do a clean install and then reinstall your applications.
  • If you have Windows 2000, you must purchase the complete product and do a clean install.

Buy Family Pack Windows Home Premium version 7 upgrade directly from Microsoft Store at Euro 159.00 or the Home Premium version of Windows 7 N Family Pack upgrade version (which does not include Windows Media Player) always at Euro 159.00 .

  • Customize desktop wallpapers easily change the colors of the windows and the sound effects to reflect your personal style. You can also turn your desktop into a slideshow of your favorite photos.
  • can find almost anything on your PC, from documents to photos to e-mail: just click the Start button and type a few letters or words in the search box or the name of the file you want to get a list ordered results.
  • Share files between your home computer using Group Home for connecting PCs running Windows 7 a una sola stampante. Specifica esattamente cosa desideri condividere da ogni PC con gli altri computer presenti in Gruppo Home.
  • Accedi ai file recenti con pochi semplici passaggi: fai clic con il pulsante destro del mouse sull'icona del programma desiderato (ad esempio Word) nella barra delle applicazioni per visualizzare in Jump List tutti i documenti di Word recenti, utilizzati di frequente e bloccati.
  • Aggiungi qualsiasi programma alla barra delle applicazioni: potrai aprire tutti i programmi con pochi semplici passaggi e riordinare le icone sulla barra delle applicazioni utilizzando il trascinamento della selezione.
Requisiti di sistema
  • Processore Processore da 1 GHz o superiore 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64)
  • Hard Drive 16 GB of available hard disk space (32 bit) or 20 GB (64 bit)
  • Video Card DirectX 9 graphics processor with WDDM driver 1.0 or later
  • Memory 1 GB of RAM (32 bit) or 2 GB of RAM (64 bit)
  • Other Group Home network and requires a computer that is running Windows 7.
  • The creation of CD or DVD requires a compatible optical drive.
  • For music and sound you need a audio output device.
  • Depending on the resolution, video playback may require additional memory and advanced graphics hardware.
  • Some features require Internet access (potrebbero essere applicati costi aggiuntivi).
Le funzionalità del prodotto e la grafica possono variare a seconda della configurazione del sistema. Alcune funzionalità richiedono dispositivi hardware avanzati o aggiuntivi.
Alcune funzionalità delle versioni precedenti di Windows non sono incluse in Windows 7. Potrai ottenere gratuitamente programmi simili, inclusi Windows Live Mail, Raccolta foto, Messenger e Movie Maker, tramite Windows Live Essentials.

Verifica che il tuo PC sia compatibile con Windows 7. Scarica ed esegui Windows 7 Upgrade Advisor . Questo piccolo strumento software esegue l'analisi del computer e genera un rapporto intuitivo di tutti i known compatibility problems between systems, devices and programs and provides some guidance on how to solve them.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Basketball Cake Design

Family Pack Turn your Android phone into a music player final with these free applications! : geek Android and music lovers, unite! is a great application, across the board. If you already have a account, simply log on to jump to the homepage of the service.
The homepage has tabs for the artist, Tag and User, as well as a search bar.
the link to download the free program is published here

Cherry Rplayer : applicazione per la musica in streaming che vi aiuta a trovare canzoni da stazioni radio di tutto il mondo.Questo lettore può riprodurre musica in streaming Shoutcast, Icecast, AAC, MP3, M3U, PLS, AACP, e streaming.
il link per scaricare gratuitamente il programma è pubblicato quì

Pandora Radio :  utenti PC e  di dispositivi mobili hanno avuto accesso al sistema radio di Pandora Internet per qualche tempo. Il servizio online gratuito vi permette di creare uniche stazioni di musica in streaming customized according to your preferences. The application for Android Pandora radio is required to interface to the service on mobile Android OS. As such, this review will focus on the app, not the service itself.

the link to download the free program is published here

Music (doubleTwist Music) : DoubleTwist Player for Android has a music player or video stand-alone, but can also work in tandem con l'applicazione Media Desktop DoubleTwist sync per Windows o Mac. Vuole essere un'alternativa più flessibile per Android del famoso software Apple iTunes, DoubleTwist

l    link per scaricare gratuitamente il programma è pubblicato  quì .

per saperne di più:

Nami At Thriller Bark

Facebook, Twitter and YouTube

I social network rappresentano uno straordinario strumento per comunicare e gestire rapporti interpersonali. Non tutti, però, realize that what might appear just a fun pastime, a way to reconnect with old friends and have fun with games and quizzes can have a significant impact on their real life, for better or for worse. Accomplices interfaces cumbersome and extremely self-confidence of managers to change their policy in real time, protect your privacy on social networks is an increasingly desperate. This book is a comprehensive guide to-date and learn how to use Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and other social networks in a conscious way, choosing wisely with those who share their content with confidence and avoid falling into the traps of bad guys.

The Volume " Facebook, Twitter and Youtube "author Federico Guerrini Editions Hoepli is also for sale on La Feltrinelli at a price of € 7.90.

سيريال Proshow Producer

Fare business con Facebook

Facebook, with more than 16 million Italians and more than 550 million members worldwide, is the ideal platform for anyone who wants to communicate and share information with friends and clients on a global scale. There is another website that involves hundreds of millions of users, the computer and the phone, in a square become more of a virtual phenomenon. For these reasons Facebook is also an ideal place for business, where companies can "talk" directly with their consumers. In the era of Web 2.0, in which the person is able to produce content with ease and to develop a quick word about anything, Facebook is the environment from which anyone interested in marketing, promotion or communication can not whatever. From large multinationals to small and medium enterprises, any company can benefit greatly from relationships with customers, potential and real. In this second edition every aspect of Facebook has been updated with the latest news on social networks, along with new opportunities developed only recently, places like Facebook and tools to integrate on their Facebook site.

the book "Making business with Facebook "author Luca Account Editions Hoepli is also for sale on La Feltrinelli the price of € 24.00.

Tightie Whities Wegies

Social network. Una serie di incredibili (in)successi

Facebook, MySpace and social networking sites have revolutionized the way we communicate, travel, exchange ideas and information-BIAM. The return of a "culture of conversation", which takes place in more middle-class lounges, but in big squares telematics, makes all the benchmarks of cultural life have changed in a few years. In Italy the social networks are emerging as a social phenomenon right now, but a large proportion of Internet users even more lazy do not know much. So, today, this title is meant to take stock in an agile, yet precise, documented on thousands of opportunities (and sometimes risk) of the new web 2.0.

The Volume " social network. A series of incredible (in) successes" author Matteo Girardi Editions Aliberti, is also for sale on La Feltrinelli at a price of € 15.00.

Monday, November 1, 2010

How Do You Get White Out Off Of Plastic?

Il manuale del giovane hacker - Tutto quello che avreste voluto sapere su Internet e nessuno vi ha mai detto

The text takes into account all the latest developments in digital attacks and fraud, for example how to fight spam and spyware, how to defend against rootkits and trojan programs, how to find out what procedures take hackers for 'craccare' programmi e meccanismi di protezione, come vengono carpiti i dati personali per violare la privacy e molto altro ancora, ovvero il peggio del peggio. Ma non facciamoci prendere dal panico: Wallace Wang è il nostro personal trainer della difesa digitale.

Il Volume " Il manuale del giovane hacker " autore Wang Wallace, edizioni Tecniche Nuove, è in vendita anche su La Feltrinelli al prezzo di € 19,90.

Matures Waering Stockings

Promuoversi con i business social networks

Avere un network di conoscenze ben costruito è una marcia in più per garantirsi un posto di lavoro, nuovi clienti, trovare un esperto, altre opportunità business. The business social network online allow you to create a network of professional contacts in a short time. The book contains information on the strategy and practical advice, drawn from daily experience and broad documentation developed during the creation of contacts via networking on the Internet. Provides all the instructions to immediately begin to create contacts using LinkedIn, Viadeo, Xing. We discuss the results of a questionnaire filled out by club members MilanIN, organized network for the creation of new real links between members of LinkedIn in Lombardy. A chapter of witnesses described how the business network for professionals use in their work, explaining how to move and what results they obtained.

The Volume " encourage by business social networks " author Roberto Marmo, FAG editions, is also for sale on La Feltrinelli the price of € 34.90.

How To Make A Mask With A Bandana

Open source. Corso di base. Syllabus 5.0 - La patente europea del computer

This book aims to prepare the players to achieve the European Computer Driving Licence using open source software, increasingly present in schools, universities and government due to its low cost and flexibility. In particular, it was chosen the same combination used in the ATLAS system with which they are incurred ECDL exams, consisting of Ubuntu Linux as a system operating, such as suite of office programs and Mozilla Firefox and Thunderbird, respectively, for Web browsing and e-mail. Because many schools is used together with Windows, we have included in the discussion even the operating system Windows Vista. With pictures and step by step explanations, the text uses a simple, clear and direct and often used practical examples and exercises, enabling the reader to experience once the functionality of various software as they are described. This book has been approved by AICA.

The Volume "Open source . Basic Course. Syllabus 5.0" author James Caesar, Editions Techniques New date pubblicazione 01/2010, è in vendita anche su La Feltrinelli al prezzo di € 34,90.

Csr Bluetooth Radio Windows 7 Driver Problem

Informatica e crittografia attraverso gli esercizi

Il volume nasce dalla constatazione che in Italia le pubblicazioni legate alla crittografia sono pochissime. Non esistono inoltre pubblicazioni che affrontino il tema in termini pratici con esercizi svolti. La crittografia nasce oltre duemila anni fa e troviamo esempi e applicazioni durante tutti i vari periodi storici. L'argomento "crittografia" attraversa varie discipline: trova le sue radici nell'archeologia e nella semiotica e per lunghi secoli è stata studiata dai linguisti. In seguito questa disciplina si è evoluta grazie alla matematica. Oggi l'argomento is about to change hands again by mathematical physicists. The interdisciplinary nature of encryption makes sure that they are signs in many texts, but you can hardly find treatments that are both simple and academic level. Encryption today is primarily a hot topic of information technology and its application to ensure the security onds in both civil and military, ith the introduction of the basic principles of programming, which are then applied to practical problems and examples of encryption, the 'original work is cut especially for the Italian market where there are often neglects the practical dimension of scientific topics. The language used for examples of programming Basic syntax in the standard.

The Volume " Computer and encryption through the exercises " writers Roberto Orazi, Alberto Cecchi editions Liguori publication date 03/2010, is also for sale on La Feltrinelli at a price of € 14.50.