Wednesday, November 3, 2010

What Happened To Fakku?

Windows 7 Home Premium upgrade version

The best entertainment experience on up to three PCs!
Windows 7 Home Premium offers a comprehensive and dynamic entertainment to your PC, making it easy to create a home network and share all your photos, videos and songs music you prefer.
The package includes a disc with a license that can be used on up to three computers . This product includes both the 32-bit and 64 bit.
before buying

  • have Windows Vista?
  • If you have Windows Vista, then buy the upgrade versions of Windows 7. You can perform a clean installation, or back up files, install, then reinstall the applications, or in-place upgrade by installing Windows 7 without uninstalling Windows Vista.
  • Do you have older versions?
  • If you have Windows XP, you can buy the upgrade versions of Windows 7. However, you will have to back up your files, do a clean install and then reinstall your applications.
  • If you have Windows 2000, you must purchase the complete product and do a clean install.

Buy Family Pack Windows Home Premium version 7 upgrade directly from Microsoft Store at Euro 159.00 or the Home Premium version of Windows 7 N Family Pack upgrade version (which does not include Windows Media Player) always at Euro 159.00 .

  • Customize desktop wallpapers easily change the colors of the windows and the sound effects to reflect your personal style. You can also turn your desktop into a slideshow of your favorite photos.
  • can find almost anything on your PC, from documents to photos to e-mail: just click the Start button and type a few letters or words in the search box or the name of the file you want to get a list ordered results.
  • Share files between your home computer using Group Home for connecting PCs running Windows 7 a una sola stampante. Specifica esattamente cosa desideri condividere da ogni PC con gli altri computer presenti in Gruppo Home.
  • Accedi ai file recenti con pochi semplici passaggi: fai clic con il pulsante destro del mouse sull'icona del programma desiderato (ad esempio Word) nella barra delle applicazioni per visualizzare in Jump List tutti i documenti di Word recenti, utilizzati di frequente e bloccati.
  • Aggiungi qualsiasi programma alla barra delle applicazioni: potrai aprire tutti i programmi con pochi semplici passaggi e riordinare le icone sulla barra delle applicazioni utilizzando il trascinamento della selezione.
Requisiti di sistema
  • Processore Processore da 1 GHz o superiore 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64)
  • Hard Drive 16 GB of available hard disk space (32 bit) or 20 GB (64 bit)
  • Video Card DirectX 9 graphics processor with WDDM driver 1.0 or later
  • Memory 1 GB of RAM (32 bit) or 2 GB of RAM (64 bit)
  • Other Group Home network and requires a computer that is running Windows 7.
  • The creation of CD or DVD requires a compatible optical drive.
  • For music and sound you need a audio output device.
  • Depending on the resolution, video playback may require additional memory and advanced graphics hardware.
  • Some features require Internet access (potrebbero essere applicati costi aggiuntivi).
Le funzionalità del prodotto e la grafica possono variare a seconda della configurazione del sistema. Alcune funzionalità richiedono dispositivi hardware avanzati o aggiuntivi.
Alcune funzionalità delle versioni precedenti di Windows non sono incluse in Windows 7. Potrai ottenere gratuitamente programmi simili, inclusi Windows Live Mail, Raccolta foto, Messenger e Movie Maker, tramite Windows Live Essentials.

Verifica che il tuo PC sia compatibile con Windows 7. Scarica ed esegui Windows 7 Upgrade Advisor . Questo piccolo strumento software esegue l'analisi del computer e genera un rapporto intuitivo di tutti i known compatibility problems between systems, devices and programs and provides some guidance on how to solve them.


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