WorldTaximeter è un servizio on-line con il quale è possibile calcolare immediatamente il costo di una corsa in taxi in un certo numero di città più importanti del mondo (Londra, New York, Roma ...). Accessibile sia dal Web che da telefono cellulare.
Please note that
WorldTaximeter taxi fare does not provide a precise estimate, but a fairly faithful to reality (the percentage of accuracy is 85% up).
certainly a convenience for those who travel frequently.
- cities currently supported by the service are: Aberdeen, Amsterdam, Atlanta, Austin, Baltimore, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bBerlin, Boston, Chicago, Dublin, Houston, Ibiza, Las Vegas, London, Los Angeles , Madrid, Malaga, Mallorca, Manchester, Melbourne, Minneapolis, Montreal, New Delhi, New York, Paris, Prague, Richmond, VA, Rome, San Diego, San Francisco, San Jose, Seattle, Singapore, Sydney, Toronto, Vancouver, Washington, DC, and Zurich
- For each city, identifying the main transport networks (airports, stations, etc.) and the most popular places turisitci.
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