Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Nami At Thriller Bark

Facebook, Twitter and YouTube

I social network rappresentano uno straordinario strumento per comunicare e gestire rapporti interpersonali. Non tutti, però, realize that what might appear just a fun pastime, a way to reconnect with old friends and have fun with games and quizzes can have a significant impact on their real life, for better or for worse. Accomplices interfaces cumbersome and extremely self-confidence of managers to change their policy in real time, protect your privacy on social networks is an increasingly desperate. This book is a comprehensive guide to-date and learn how to use Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and other social networks in a conscious way, choosing wisely with those who share their content with confidence and avoid falling into the traps of bad guys.

The Volume " Facebook, Twitter and Youtube "author Federico Guerrini Editions Hoepli is also for sale on La Feltrinelli at a price of € 7.90.


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