Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Suffolk Drivers Education

Gamberoni allo zenzero e arancia con Salsa Yogurt

Ciotolina FingerFood Atmosfera Italiana

Mi mancano i racconti della vostra quotidianità.

Mi mancano le gesta dei vostri figli , dei vostri partner e dei vostri animaletti domestici .
Spero che tutto proceda per il meglio.
Grazie ai nuovi arrivati, e ai miei lettori affezionati.
Io ho finalmente ingranato con il nuovo lavoro, le giornate scorrono velocissime e in dynamic way, I'm never sitting, so who knows also diminish my ass , besides my free time.
trials are still in the kitchen, a little 'less frequently admit it, because in my fridge started to peep tomatoes, cottage cheese and pink grapefruit goes ... aware that many Californians are CICCE but anyway, if my goal is to be able to slip in red Baywatch style swimsuit and run with my long hair in the wind on the beach in Santa Monica ... you better give me a move.

Here then a light but tasty recipe , that smell of delicious prawns orange, served with yogurt sauce that you've seen along with "P olpettine hot salmon, "which is a real guarantee.

Serves 2:
prawns to taste (how do you quantify the prawns? There are never enough!)
1 cm fresh ginger 1 tablespoon
olive oil 1 orange

1 jar plain yogurt 1 small onion

shelled the prawns, then finely sliced \u200b\u200bginger without peeling them and fry lightly with the oil in a nonstick pan (I used my new wok by Ballarini ) adding the prawns.
Pour the orange juice and simmer for ten minutes (remember that shrimp & co. Should not be cooked too much), until the sauce will be reduced.
Meanwhile even the thinly sliced \u200b\u200bonion and add the yogurt and mix well.
Serve the prawns accompanied by the sauce, I have them put up in the bowls by Italian atmosphere and I have made a colorful and tasty finger food.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

When Will My Dogs Hair Grow Back

Orecchini rame - Forme ripetute -

Ci sono forme che non posso, o non riesco, ad abbandonare...e prima fra tutte credo ci si la forma a goccia. Se guardo a ritroso il mio blog incontro numerosi componenti con questo disegno, i primi in assoluto , stilizzati, realizzati con il filo di rame martellato, orecchini che adoro e indosso sempre; poi le " goccioline in ottone anticato ", che con mio stupore sono stati apprezzate tantissimo; quelli in filo di rame anticato, "Di goccia in goccia"  , essenziali e primitivi che ho realizzato anche in versione mignon per una grande Creativa, ed altri ancora...
Non so cosa draws me to this perfect form that lends itself to many different changes, the fact is that my brain produces jewelry drop all the time! ^ _ ^ I hope not to be repetitive, and who knows, however, did not influence any of you with these constant arguments!

Today, however, the drop you present it in copper foil, accompgnata by stones in the garnet.
The result is a pair of earrings from the grunge style deliberately, due to the worn patina, uneven and scratched.


Girls, I remind you that the March 17 ending my 2nd Giveaway , hurry up! ^ _ ^
Good Sunday!

Slowdive - Alison -

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Toys R Us Stickle Brick

Canocia Cake:tortino profumato di Cannocchie su salsa di pomodori caramellati, per "Venezia nel piatto"

Venice is magical .
E 'magic to' dawn when the fishermen return with their cargo fresh while the city wakes up slowly.
E 'magical sunset when the streets are lit with the last rays of the sun and when taverns and wine bars open their doors, ready to welcome customers with open arms but also curious.
E 'for his magical perfume, unique and heady scent of the lagoon, romance, culture and even tourists, who walk with the enchanted nose admiring the marvels that the city offers.
If I had to choose but one thing that I can not help but to Venice, I'd definitely food.
A culinary culture with deep roots and very profonde, piatti tipici che mantengono intatte le loro origini ma non disdegnano nemmeno contaminazioni fusion e rivisitazioni moderne.
Venezia antica e Venezia cosmopolita .
Due “way of life” che consentono al cittadino e al turista di assaporare e godere appieno ogni sfaccettatura delle opportunità che offre la cucina veneziana.
Il cicheto o spuncio infatti, altri non è che la versione italiana delle ben più note Tapas spagnole, uno stuzzichino, che sta andando via via raffinandosi, che accompagna goti (bicchieri) di vino bianco o rosso a seconda dell’ora della giornata.
Credo che chiunque visiti Venezia dovrebbe prendersi un po’ di tempo per assaporare quello che offrono i vari localini nascosti, un palato curioso finirebbe con l’essere piacevolmente deliziato dalle tantissime proposte culinarie che si possono provare.
Venezia è anche sinonimo di prodotti tipici e genuini, che spaziano dai freschi prodotti ittici a quelli della terra, prodotti molto comuni ma che purtroppo restano sconosciuti ancora a molti.
Ecco perché l’ ingrediente principale per la ricetta che ho scelto di presentare in onore dell’ iniziativa “Venezia nel piatto”, è la Canocia , meglio conosciuta come Cicala di mare oppure come Cannocchia.
Questo crostaceo squisito si presta molto bene a preparazioni semplici e popolari, e si può facilmente trovare nelle osterie e nei bacari di cui sopra condito semplicemente con limone e prezzemolo, io ho però deciso di renderlo più sfizioso ed accattivante presentandolo in forma di tortino, rendendolo così un antipasto completo adatto ad essere servito anche in un ristorante, così da ampliare la rosa dei possibili assaggiatori.
L’idea deriva dalle Crab o Lobster Cakes americane, tortini di granchio o aragosta che vanno per la maggiore nei ristoranti ma anche per strada in veste appunto di “street food ", here is my Canocia Cake .

Ingredients (for 2 pies):

-For the pie
300 grams of fresh mantis (I have found them tiny, big enough if you take 5 each)
1 egg (1 egg yolk + 1)
2 slices of white bread (if using a long Sandwich)
30 gr. salted butter melted
1 tablespoon of onion white satin "by Chioggia "
finely chopped 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
ghee for frying

-For the sauce
3 medium tomatoes," the Cavallino "
1 tablespoon white onion" Chioggia "finely sliced \u200b\u200b

Olive oil 1 tablespoon granulated sugar
1 teaspoon rice vinegar

-For presentation
Mixed salad to taste (I chose the beautiful valerian)
olive oil 1 teaspoon mustard


-For the pie
start by cutting the slices of white bread cubes, then transfer them to a bowl and pour the melted butter. Mix well and let stand for about twenty minutes.
Continue boiling for a few minutes the mantis shrimp, let cool and then proceed to clean them. Cut the head, legs and appendages on the belly, trimmed sides and then gently remove the shell, being very careful not to break the delicate flesh that moved in a bowl.
In the same bowl, then add the yolk, the flesh of the mantis shrimp coarsely chopped, onion, Worcestershire sauce and mustard, then the cubes of bread soaked in butter and add only at the end of the 'egg whites, incorporating gently with a spatula.
Proceed forming pies mo 'burger and compact high, I have helped with a pasta bowl square, which bake until browned on both sides with plenty of clarified butter.

-For the sauce
Brown the onion in a nonstick pan with a little olive oil, add tomatoes washed and cut into cubes, then sprinkle with sugar and let caramelize for a few minutes.
Soften then with the rice vinegar, and whisk you reduce all to the mixer in order to obtain a homogeneous sauce.

Serve piping hot pies resting on a couple of tablespoons of sauce and finish with a mirror of mixed salad topped with a light emulsion obtained by mixing a tablespoon of olive oil and a mustard.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Should I Put Cash In A Wedding Card

In principio fu la torta.Salata.Alle verdure e ...

Teglia Decora

Buona domenica a tutti voi .
Qui è piacevolmente caldo , le finestre sono aperte e un leggero venticello fa ondeggiare le tende bianche a fiorellini del salotto.
Il mio micio è sul davanzale che annusa l'aria arricciando il nasino , gli uccellini cantano e i camini fumano per il pranzo della domenica.
Il cielo è di un azzurro intenso e le scie degli aerei lo riempiono di sfumature bianche.
Spero che This delicious pie rejoice an already wonderful day.
Needless to say, the first cake I made in my life was a pie.
Other than fruit and jam, vegetables, ricotta and .. a surprise ingredient that only writing it would turn up their noses a lot, but I think it's just the boost it needed to make a pie from good to captivating.
Here it is, then, made the first pie at my house, my mother, some good year ago, the first of many.

a roll p.sfoglia
1 zucchini 1 large potato
1 / 2 red pepper
1 / 2 yellow pepper
(or two little ones)
1 sausage (I use those chicken)
here it is the infamous secret ingredients
1 package of ricotta cheese 1 egg

cut into small cubes small all the vegetables and let them first in a pan with olive oil and garlic, then simmer gently with a bit 'of water until have softened.
Dice also the sausage and place in a bowl with the ricotta and the egg, add poi le verdure, un pizzico di sale, mescolate bene e farcite la pasta sfoglia.
Infornate a 180° per una ventina di minuti fino a doratura.

Friday, March 4, 2011

How Do I Remove Urnine Smell From My Undies

Orecchini - Ottone e Malva -

Sometimes the brass peeps through my creations.

I love the nuances that take when aged, yet we use so little ... I'll try to fix! ^ _ ^ Meanwhile, I show you these earrings, born on the same day these, I had almost forgotten because once photographed, I had already stored! Nothing more simple, a circle in antiqued brass and hammered abbianto to a faceted glass mauve. Mica is understood that I am sick of purple and all shades?!
Thanks to all for the nice words you wrote on the previous post even those who for the occasion I wrote in private, I really appreciate it! ^ _ ^
nice weekend!