Ciotolina FingerFood Atmosfera Italiana
Mi mancano i racconti della vostra quotidianità .
Mi mancano le gesta dei vostri figli , dei vostri partner e dei vostri animaletti domestici .
Spero che tutto proceda per il meglio.
Grazie ai nuovi arrivati, e ai miei lettori affezionati.
Io ho finalmente ingranato con il nuovo lavoro, le giornate scorrono velocissime e in dynamic way, I'm never sitting, so who knows also diminish my ass , besides my free time.
trials are still in the kitchen, a little 'less frequently admit it, because in my fridge started to peep tomatoes, cottage cheese and pink grapefruit goes ... aware that many Californians are CICCE but anyway, if my goal is to be able to slip in red Baywatch style swimsuit and run with my long hair in the wind on the beach in Santa Monica ... you better give me a move.
Serves 2:
prawns to taste (how do you quantify the prawns? There are never enough!)
1 cm fresh ginger 1 tablespoon
olive oil 1 orange
1 jar plain yogurt 1 small onion
shelled the prawns, then finely sliced \u200b\u200bginger without peeling them and fry lightly with the oil in a nonstick pan (I used my new wok by Ballarini ) adding the prawns.
Pour the orange juice and simmer for ten minutes (remember that shrimp & co. Should not be cooked too much), until the sauce will be reduced.
Meanwhile even the thinly sliced \u200b\u200bonion and add the yogurt and mix well.
Serve the prawns accompanied by the sauce, I have them put up in the bowls by Italian atmosphere and I have made a colorful and tasty finger food.
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