Sunday, March 6, 2011

Should I Put Cash In A Wedding Card

In principio fu la torta.Salata.Alle verdure e ...

Teglia Decora

Buona domenica a tutti voi .
Qui è piacevolmente caldo , le finestre sono aperte e un leggero venticello fa ondeggiare le tende bianche a fiorellini del salotto.
Il mio micio è sul davanzale che annusa l'aria arricciando il nasino , gli uccellini cantano e i camini fumano per il pranzo della domenica.
Il cielo è di un azzurro intenso e le scie degli aerei lo riempiono di sfumature bianche.
Spero che This delicious pie rejoice an already wonderful day.
Needless to say, the first cake I made in my life was a pie.
Other than fruit and jam, vegetables, ricotta and .. a surprise ingredient that only writing it would turn up their noses a lot, but I think it's just the boost it needed to make a pie from good to captivating.
Here it is, then, made the first pie at my house, my mother, some good year ago, the first of many.

a roll p.sfoglia
1 zucchini 1 large potato
1 / 2 red pepper
1 / 2 yellow pepper
(or two little ones)
1 sausage (I use those chicken)
here it is the infamous secret ingredients
1 package of ricotta cheese 1 egg

cut into small cubes small all the vegetables and let them first in a pan with olive oil and garlic, then simmer gently with a bit 'of water until have softened.
Dice also the sausage and place in a bowl with the ricotta and the egg, add poi le verdure, un pizzico di sale, mescolate bene e farcite la pasta sfoglia.
Infornate a 180° per una ventina di minuti fino a doratura.


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