Although summer is over and now this dish is more like a summer dish, quest'insalata seafood can be served as an appetizer or second in all seasons.

Cost: Medium - Difficulty: 2 / 3 - Preparation: 30 minutes
- 120g scallops 120g cuttlefish
- headless
- 16 shrimp
- half green pepper yellow pepper half
- half a red pepper salt
- 4 teaspoons white wine vinegar
- 5 1 / 3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil 2 anchovy fillets
- 1 clove garlic, chili pepper half
- 4 teaspoons lemon juice
- salt pepper
- chopping
- kitchen knife
- pot colander
- chopper
- spoon
- skewer (not required)
- container (not required)
- paper kitchen (not required)
- ladle (not required)
First cut the ingredients, prepare the cutting board, knife and paper towels, then remove the seeds and stalks from the red peppers, yellow and green, to make it cut the peppers in half lengthwise , then remove the seeds and filaments of the pepper. After removing all cut into cubes of about 5 mm. 2
Cut the scallops into three parts and remove the black wire that is located on the back of shrimp using a skewer: To do this, carve the back, passing under the black wire, "aggangiatelo" and remove it gently. Remove the skin with cuttlefish, helping with kitchen paper.
A questo punto prendete la pentola, il recipiente e il colapasta; versate abbondante acqua fredda nella pentola e portatela ad ebollizione, nel frattempo versate dell'acqua fresca dentro il recipiente. Mettete nell'acqua bollente un po' di sale (a piacere), quindi aggiungete tutti i peperoni per scottarli velocemente: per far questo dovrete immergerli in acqua bollente per un breve lasso di tempo. 4
Spostate la pentola dal fuoco, tirate fuori dall'acqua i peperoni con una schiumarola e metteteli nel recipiente con l'acqua fredda (non gettate l'acqua!): quando si saranno raffreddati metteteli nello scolapasta e scolaterli. Quindi versate dell'acqua pulita nel recipiente usato precedentemente. Mettete nuovamente Fire on the water in which they were cooked the peppers and bring to a boil. When it begins to boil, add the squid, shrimp and scallops, and cook until they change color, then remove from pan and place in bowl of cold water. Once cool pour into colander and drain well.
Take the cutting board and kitchen knife and cut the squid into rings about 5mm thick. Take the boiled shrimp and shell: to make it hold the shrimp by the tail between your fingers, starting from the feet and stomach and remove the shell, then gently squeeze the base of the tail and pull to remove it. Cut shrimp in half lengthwise, starting from the back, and cut in half the scallops. 6
prepare dressing now! To do this, and prepared the food processor container. Pour the white wine vinegar (if you have graduated, the spoons, you will add 4 to 5 ml) in the food processor. Add the oil (if you leave the spoons sized 5 plus one third filled to 15ml), anchovies and garlic, then add the red pepper and lemon juice (4 tbsp 5ml). Add salt and pepper (to taste), then mix in order to obtain a homogeneous mixture. Once ready, pour the mixture into the bowl, add the squid, shrimp and scallops with the sauce and stir. 7
Infine unite i peperoni scottati, mescolate tutto e gustate :) Buon appetito! Parlando di nutrizione: i consigli di Francesco
Questo è un piatto molto proteico data la grande quantità di Gamberi, Capesante e Seppie: alimenti presso che privi di grasso ed altissimi in valore proteico come in generale quasi tutto il pesce, crostacei e molluschi.
Infatti per le proteine, vediamo i valori medi per 100 grammi di ingrediente:
- Capasanta: 17 gr circa
- Seppia: 16,2 gr
- Gambero: dai 15 gr ai 20,3 gr (dipende dalla varietà del gambero)
- e le acciughe usate per un part of the sauce, which stood at about 100 grams 20.3 grams of protein (although in this case are few and do not overwhelm the recipe)
addition, these foods contain a lot of water, especially the scallops.
peppers contain large amounts of water, but relatavamente nutrient-poor, given the very few carbohydrates (about 6 x 100 gr gr peppers) almost no protein and fat as absent, but the important vitamins C and A). all the way here a dish of real sport.
cicciosità The note comes again from the seasoning that includes 5 tablespoons plus 1 / 3 di olio di oliva: il che significa poco più di 50 grammi di grassi. Facendo quindi i conti il totale delle proteine e dei grassi presenti nel piatto finito, calcolando la qualità minore dei gamberi (vedi descrizione sopra) sono:
Piatto completo
- Proteine: 111,8
- Grassi: 50,2
Per porzione
- Proteine: 27,95
- Grassi: 12,55
Il cicciometro per questo piatto si attesta sul 5/10
Un piatto altamente protein is recommended for gourmets that athletes, which has a moderate fat quatity provided that if it consumes only one portion. But given that the portions appear to be generous, the gourmet medium will hardly eat another slice.
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