Friday, April 18, 2008

Creative Midi Port Windows 7 Driver

Esposto del 10 maggio 1987

Palermo May 10, 1987 Mr. Al
Prosecutor of Palermo, the undersigned

Gioacchino Basile, who was born in Palermo on 16 / 06/1949, resident at Via Tommaso Laureto No. 12, and his co-workers who you sign the bottom of this, they ask the Sv want to shed light between now many dark shadows that lurk within the Fincantieri Palermo. Company that, in our opinion, may have already become a dangerous cultural and economic morass. The exponent
employed by the aforementioned company dal febbraio 1971, periodo durante il quale conobbe un sistema di vita diverso da quello che in cuor suo, cuore di di ragazzo di borgata, sfruttato ed emarginato, si annidava.
Odiava e disprezzava tutto ciò che rappresentava lo Stato perchè da esso..............illeggibile...........
In quegli anni i lavoratori del Cantiere Navale, vivevano attivamente un cambiamento economico e culturale notevolissimo e lo scrivente, così come tantissimi altri giovani della sua età, incominciava a vivere in una logica ed in una dimensione totalmente diversa da quella che l'odiosa cultura di borgata gli aveva insegnato e che è l'humus entro il quale si coltivano e crescono i futuri mafiosi di Palermo.
Si faceva tesoro dei consigli dei propri older co-workers who spoke of what had been the odious way of life (Mafia) to the shipyards and the dangers it posed to the workers. The word mafia
hateful to them years to come, it was used in the assemblies, as something pierced, but never forget, so that it could no longer have a future in the Cantieri Navali di Palermo: this was for many years .. . Around the year 1977-1980
a restless change, orchestrated with great skill "way of life by hatred" was a great scandal at many of their fellow union members who found the one hand the irresponsible lack of interest among employees for something now they believed belonged to a unique past and on the other maneuvering of shadowy characters who had every incentive to domesticate the more uneasy. The
irresponsible disregard for workers became, around the years 1980-1982, even in complete indifference, and the few times that someone had the audacity to cry wolf, "never found an organized response by workers authorized to do so, the beginning of arrogant attitudes on the part of the company in respect of all workers.
To date no one knows or at least you are not able to establish the company as a hateful world and everything that moves around it, have managed to finally silence those who had been delegated by the workers to safeguard their rights.
Today, the shipyard is full of business committees, is backed by companies, many of which do not stand for transparency is contracted as in the temple of Jerusalem. They send
in early retirement (55 years) workers who could still work for so long.
The same workers return to work at the shipyard, employed by some company, and possibly without being placed in good standing under the laws of employment, insurance and social security.
The atmosphere too conspiratorial and characters that have nothing to do with the real world of work, they wander in the company as a real powerful without a specific institutional function legalmente riconosciuta.
Il Dottor Giuseppe Cortesi, già da anni dirigente principale............illeggibile...................... dirigente menager a cui si guardava con fiducia negli anni 1980-1982 per risollevare le sorti economiche e civili del Cantiere Navale.
Si è convinti che dietro l'immagine del dirigente tutto d'un pezzo vi sia la convivenza o l'indifferenza o, se vogliamo la tolleranza dei comitati d'affari che pullulano ormai all'interno del Cantiere.
Tali atteggiamenti potrebbero essere anche sinonimo di complicità.
In meno d'un anno nell'azienda si sono avuti due morti.
Il primo è stato l'operaio saldatore Raffaele Autieri, morto orrendamente per aver ceduto al vile ricatto aziendale.
Questo Dead does not belong to the fatalities, but the determination of irresponsible leaders who use laid off as a deterrent to anti-union. To this dead
asks Justice.
is asked to investigate environmental conditions and security in which we are forced to work, otherwise in case of refusal, commission laid off at half-pay. It still asks
want to dig into the shipyard on every element that involves corruption and mafia coexistence.
Are you sure that accurate financial and police investigations could be made a lot of light between the darkness. The company, in the opinion of writers is a serious illness that urges intensive care. In addition
labor exploitation marginalized young people that determines substantial gains for the business committee that orbit within the shipyard, there is a big turnover that is derived from government grants for costs of new technologies, which goes on for years and that provides will last much longer and so gattopardesca to continue to milk the breasts of the finance community.
Mr. Prosecutor, what we hold dearest is the exploitation of large numbers of people forced to work without any guarantee of law, with wages of survival for the benefit of the usual "business committee" that does not represent the "underground" economy town, but an "odious way of life" to which you do not want surrender the weapons and against which people strive to do justice to many people, who have the right to be protected by civil and constitutional rights of their workers.
Mr. Prosecutor, we turn to you so that together we can cut the roots of the tiniest malapianta way of life, that man has ever known, "the mafia" and this can be eradicated from the shipyard in Palermo making a big service to the city and the community of honest people.
This Complaint was signed by 120 workers of the yard: I had to stop because those signatures, flanked by "my friends" of the CGIL trade unionists and representatives of other unions, the Galatolo and their acolytes had began a manhunt.
On 10 June 1987, I was summoned by the Police who initially behaved in a shameful way .... then subsided intimidating their quality: after a dismal skit lasted a few days, where he never anything serious to report. all drowned in the murky waters of silence, even with the fact that the battles of our complaint against the "Cosa Nostra" continued unabated in time to come.
The police always refused to tell me the name of the Magistrate that he had delegated the investigation, but did not retreat, psychological intimidation my fellow workers, many of whom were called to an unusual way. Anomalies that seemed to want to take the intimidation psychological way into their families at that time informed the Secretary of my party PCI, Michele Figurelli who made representations to the Police and fellow lawyer Caleca. After this event
Exposed June 10, 1987, "cosa nostra" organize his acolytes that the head of hundreds of desperate, infiltrated in our parades strike (October 1987) and for five long days in the devastated city, they used attitudes violence against the downtown shops and used verbal violence against citizens, with particular attention to the defenseless girls and / or ladies who were in the city center, everything was organized, for detaching the interest of the city with the largest company and the people vi lavorava,
Malgrado le denunce in tempo reale, fatte alla polizia in corso di manifestazione, la stessa non volle mai intervenire contro quei disperati pagati ed utilizzati da "cosa nostra" ed i suoi accoliti.
Il Giornale di Sicilia, che forse non sapeva, ci critica duramente con Armando Vaccarella e per questo, tanto per costruire più confusione utile al teatrino, i sindacalisti organizzarono una bersagliata d'uova marcie contro il palazzo del giornale, che così non volle mai ascoltare le rimostranze di quelli che denunciavamo i fatti.
Il giornale L'Ora, dove lungo quelle giornate mi recai insieme a Gaspare Miraglia per chiedere la pubblicazione della nostra denuncia, fece orecchie da mercante... qualcuno mi fece rilevare e vedere con i miei occhi che dentro i locali del giornale, c'era il segretario provinciale del PCI Michele Figurelli, che il primo di quelle cinque giornate di sciopero si unì a noi lavoratori, ma in seconda fila..... l'unico che prese atto timidamente della mia denuncia e la pubblico minimamente su "L'Ora" fu l'allora giovane Vitale, attuale corrispondente della RAI.


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