Friday, April 18, 2008

What Type Of Lighting For A Bubble Tip Anemone

Esposto del 29 giugno 1992 consegnato informalmente al dottor Paolo Borsellino la sera del 25 giugno 1992

complaint Complaint , expressed that after the reminder of Dr. Paolo Borsellino on the evening of June 25, 1992, sent by registered il 29 giugno1992.
Quella sera il Dottor Paolo Borsellino, mi chiese ed ottenne una copia dello stesso, corredata da tutta la documentazione che formava il dossier.

al Procuratore della Repubblica di Palermo

al Procuratore generale presso la Corte D'Appello di Palermo
al Presidente della Repubblica

al Consiglio Superiore della Magistratura

al Ministro di Grazia e Giustizia

al Ministro dell'Interno

alla Commissione Parlamentare Antimafia

alla Commissione Antimafia dell'ARS

all'Alto Commissario Antimafia signor Procuratore della Repubblica,
a seguito d'una testimonianza documented and widely available in the person of Mr. Federico De Lisi, former head office at Fincantieri in Palermo, and from statements made under oath in the process brought against me by the Fincantieri (following my dismissal) by the Director of the establishment, Dr. Anthony Cipponeri, and as a result of the first concrete evidence of the complaints that I would always fall on the management of the shipyards, expose and denounce what follows, in the sincere hope that my concerns can find the right comfort of ascertaining the truth.
My intention, forgive the audacity, is to continue a great battle of liberation from the Mafia, which began at the dawn of the 70 and which now has its heroes and its victims. I mean, from what I can help to free from illegality an important part of Palermo, represented by its largest settlement workers, the shipyards.

In May 87, attended a union now obvious impairment, covered only by acts strictly formal, with no feedback into the reality of corporate life, pollution underworld appears to be consolidated day by day, and the right to security and refused to work the frequent use of the laid off. And because of the proliferation of companies that were paying wages of hunger, the many industries workers were unfairly exploited. This ensures the Fincantieri very low prices agevoli per un mercato che non trova alcuna convenienza nella legalità, a causa del forte monopolio dei paesi orientali nel settore delle riparazioni navali.
Decisi di presentare un esposto a questa Procura della Repubblica con la speraza che si potesse riportare la legalità, lì dove la paura della gente consentiva all'azienda e ai comitati d'affari di oscurare una verità che era sotto gli occhi della città. Quel esposto, che sottoposi all'attenzione dei miei compagni di lavoro, nel giro di pochi giorni, e nonostante le intimidazioni, fu sottoscritto da ben 119 lavoratori.
Purtroppo, almeno da quanto ci è dato da sapere, quel esposto non ha prodotto alcun risultato, se non il fatto che alcune ditte di lì a poco e con very quickly turned into cooperatives, with the media purchased from the family Madonia (these cooperatives, in early 89, after my complaint to the Governing Fiom Cgil of December 29, 88, decided to split). The company, to give a more truthful to the problem of security, acquired approximately 30,000 new boards scaffolding boards, for the work that was begun on the ship SLOUGH, which was already in the pipeline for cleaning work, conducted by a cooperative odor in the mafia.
In December 88 the director of that time (Cortesi) left the leadership of the shipyard in Palermo, and a month after it officially threatened the current director, Anthony Cipponeri. The ship SLOUGH, for quale erano nel frattempo terminati i lavori (con un disavanzo - a mio avviso da verificare - di 30 miliardi), nel gennaio 89 veniva sguarnita dei ponteggi e subito, fatto questo che apparve molto strano, le tavole smesse dai ponteggi furono composte in agevoli gruppi per essere spostate di lì a poco con mezzi pesanti.
Il fatto ci inquietò moltissimo: di solito il deposito delle tavole non veniva effettuato nel piazzale antistante la portineria, ma in altro luogo meno frequentato.
Proprio in quei giorni, oltre alla costante presenza dei fratelli Raffaele e Vito Galatolo, e a quella di loro parenti (occupati presso ditte o cooperative), notammo la presenza attiva del di loro fratello Vincenzo, che dopo anni di assenza, faceva nuovamente la sua comparsa all'interno del cantiere. Notevole fu in noi lo stupore quando, pochi giorni dopo, vedemmo il Vincenzo Galatolo, coadiuvato dai suoi parenti, trasportare all'esterno del Cantiere, servendosi di grossi TIR, quelle tavole come nuove. Seppure in presenza di compiacenti o paurosi silenzi dei miei compagni della Fiom Cgil, cercai di capire il senso di quella operazione, senza per questo ottenere risposte soddisfacenti; non riuscivo a capire come mai, anche in presenza di una eccedenza, quelle tavole fossero state svendute o regalate mentre quelle vecchie e usurate restavano in Cantiere.
Del prezzo di quell'affare e della effettiva quantità delle tavole in quel tempo non riuscì in un primo momento a sapere abbastanza. Le determinai approssimativamente a 30.000, poiché quella in difetto era la quantità minima stimabile sommariamente.
Le notizie filtrate parlavano di un omaggio coperto da atti formali. Di ciò non parlai mai, giacché fiutavo una trappola da parte di alcuni sindacalisti dei quali non mi fidavo più in alcun modo, temendo un loro tentativo di delegittimazione agli occhi dei compagni di lavoro. L'illegittimità di quell'affare appariva evidente agli occhi di tutti. L'azienda, diciotto mesi prima,aveva speso per quelle tavole circa un miliardo e trecento milioni riferito a tremila metri cubi di legname pari a 40.000 tavole. Un patrimonio aziendale veniva distrutto per assicurarsi la collaborazione attiva delle famiglie mafiose della zona, che a questo dirigente avrebbe garantito the silence and the silence of which this industrial design (the clearance efficiency of the shipyard) can not do without.
This fact gave me the certainty that the Fincantieri for the year 1989, wanted access to instrumentally structural redundancies that provide for early retirement at age 50 - so dear to industries that would benefit - and so did the desert into the site, in terms of employment, using the massively laid off, resulting in the famous 52 billion disbursed by Region oer the relaunch of the site with the "repair of floating docks." Wrote on August 89
News Dopolavoro an open letter to plant manager (I am attaching a copy.) La lettera era molto critica, ed il contenuto, se ingiustificato, avrebbe dovuto muovere a reazioni formali il destinatario. Vi furono invece reazioni d'altro genere, in presenza di un testimone, che ha già deposto in questo senso nel corso della causa da me intentata alla Fincantieri. Mai vi furono querele. Tutto ciò confermava le mie inquietudini. Non ero però in grado di trovare il giusto supporto documentale. In quel tempo ero Segretario Amministrativo del Dopolavoro Aziendale, e a seguito d quella lettera, fui più volte criticato (al limite della violenza fisica). Nella notte tra il 25 ed il 26 ottobre di quello stesso anno, la sede del Dopolavoro venne devastata, da alcuni vandali, arrestati la notte stessa dai Carabinieri della stazione Acquasanta. I convinced the head of the Carabinieri who could not be of a girl, and I invited them to make an inspection. When we got there, he assured me that he was in charge of the assets of OND, I would have been heard by the judge that day that would decide the detainees. I waited in vain throughout the day.
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(Ed.-May 2006 - That a policeman, in the year 1990, during Operation Seat Port "was called into question by the" repentant "Joe Cuffaro ... but he was not sure that I need to get an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat Marshal ...)
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Today, the anti-mafia certification, dated January 1991, produced by Cipponeri during my labor process (certification attached) that the sole director of Si.PU.RI.NA. and a certain Gary Ingrassia, who was born in Amantea March 12, 1951. This gentleman lives in Palermo on a Step S / 4, in the spur-Brancaccio, the same area of \u200b\u200borigin of the thugs that night between 25 and 26 October 89, devastated the working men's club. I learned of the township of belonging to them by other members of the administrative directive of the same recreational club, who were also union officials of the yard. I wonder how and why they knew about it. When I asked the administrative guidelines set up of damages against the thugs, the same people to know what ignorant, demanded to vote with the attached document that compensation was equivalent to the symbolic sum of one thousand pounds
On October 18, 89, at the headquarters dell'INTERSID is had held a meeting with company executives and the unions concerning workloads, which were small (at the time of about 1700 employees were laid off over 1100).
unsatisfactory response of the union, asked that the outcome of the meeting notice was given to workers. The union leaders prevarication, and started a blame game, it was decided that the Assembly is not done: it was now clear the subordination the union or the inability to resist a plan that to this day remains unspoken and unspeakable.
The meeting was held November 2 89 permanent strike that, initially, enjoyed the almost total employee involvement. Within a few hours, this participation is made weaker because of the presence in the yard of characters in the scent of the mafia and their supporters and convincing work done by union leaders, who feared a dismissal for abandonment of the workplace. At 12 we had been only five. By stopping the protest at 8:30 am the following day. The union had promised us a more dignified behavior.
The attached leaflet distributed to the workers and the press release. The fact was of great prominence in local and national press. The company, for reasons of image (and for the Region 52 billion), ran for cover, placing ahead of time in processing orders Grimaldi, who had to start in February 1990. To our amazement, we saw a month back at the shipyard more than 2000 tables, certainly not new, not as much as those previously sold. Those newly arrived were old, though overall still usable. I asked him about the how and the why of that purchase, and which way those boards were returned at the shipyard. I did not have any answers. If not silent and threatening phone calls.
The management company set to work while to discredit and delegitimize the eyes of fellow workers. The year 1990 is part of the public record, until 13 November, the day of my dismissal (now forced expulsion after the verdict in favor of reinstatement to me, handed down by Judge Antonio Ardito labor.
(Ed.-May 2006 - nell'esposto thinking of public record to confirm that the public prosecutor could not know that the year 1990, occurred the following facts: Galatolo arrest of the vessel "Big John" in the naval establishment, my expulsion from Fiom CGIL and my public complaints always taken up by local and national media: In addition to TV, intimidation always reported and well known also by the Chief of Police Parisi ecc...)
Nei primi mesi del 91 fui avvicinato dal De Lisi Federico, al quale chiesi spiegazioni in merito alle modalità formali dell'affare delle tavole. Egli mi spiegò verbalmente l'operazione, e la preoccupazione seria che aveva prodotto nei dirigenti la mia lettera aperta di cui sopra. Fu tale preoccupazione che determinò la scelta di ricorrere nel dicembre dell'89- dopo otto mesi – ad una risibile quanto inverosimile nota credito per erroneo invio. Fu a quel punto che le confidenze del De Lisi confermarono le mie tesi originarie, tanto più che lo stesso ebbe a spiegarmi che l'operazione era stata transata con i lavori effettuati (?) dalla ditta SI.PU.RI.NA.Fu in questo contesto che il mio legale, in sede di audizione dei testimoni, poses the engineer Anthony Cipponeri, only questions about the deal tables. In his statements, made under oath, had stated clearly Cipponeri falsely claimed that when the boards were not regularly paid and transit with the work carried out by real or perceived SI.PU.RI.NA., denying even a return even if partial, for any reason, the tables in question.
Engineer. Anthony Cipponeri in my work process has exhibited the attached documents: the certificate mafia above, two bills, resulting in full compliance with the notes of De Lisi, who certify the transaction for the sale price of the plates ( one for 77,406,405 pounds, referring to cubic meters of boards 564,33 e una di lire 74.406.216, riferita a metri cubi di tavole 547,36).
Il Cipponeri, sotto giuramento, ne sostenne il pagamento a sessanta giorni. Peraltro, le fatture emesse, rispetto a quelle d'acquisto, sono di un risibile ammontare. Allo stesso potrebbe ad esempio chiedersi copia degli assegni per il pagamento. Leggendo le fatture in oggetto, ho individuato, a mio avviso, l'imbroglio che qui vi argomento.
La prima fattura parla di metri cubi 564,33 e fà riferimento a ben 63, bolle d'accompagnamento. La seconda in ordine di tempo parla di metri cubi 547,36, e fà riferimento a ben 47, bolle di accompagnamento. Dunque, valutando i metri cubi di differenza, che sono 17, e la differenza delle bolle che sono 16, i conti have not returned.
too few cubic meters and delivery notes. This could mean that many trucks with trailers have traveled with a few dozen tables: But I remember very well that he had counted the tables were to be transported by truck to the banks properly dismantled, and the trailers attached to them many times. In all four trucks were loaded harness boards 64. Thus, a total of 256 boards each. The same goes for the trailers.
also looking closely at the bills in question I see that lack of an essential component: in addition to cubic meters is required by law the number of corresponding tables. What in this case it was fraudulently omitted. Adding up the total cubic meters indicated in the two bills, one has the figure of 1111.74 cubic meters, equivalent to about 15,000 tables. I remember very well that all the outputs of the truck, with or without a trailer, loaded with the procedures and the numbers cited above, were followed personally by the head of the guards that Joseph Galbo, and another guard now retired, that Stephen Salerno, the who were in close contact with the Galatolo Vincenzo. Everyone, me first, he thought that the two men to control the trust company's own interest, although the fact that the plates come out as new and were still in the old shipyard could not give the deal the chrism of legality.
What happened then? The financiers of the passage of the Customs Yard could not only suspicious in front of formal documents, although ambiguous, which included the regular packing slip and the presence of those in charge of corporate assets. So, financiers, in case of unpleasant occurrences, could have said, it is true that we did not notice anything, the fact that he lacked the reference to the number of tables, but it was a distraction a venial sin, due to the fact that we trusted the presence of one who is the highest authority of oversight of corporate assets. All pretended nothing, and every single truck, carrying at least 256 tables, equal to 19 cubic meters, and each truck and trailer, which then loads a minimum of 512 for 38 cubic meters, came out of the yard with a bubble of only 10 cubic meters (since abbiamo1.111, 74 cubic meters, against 110 the accompanying notes). As if to say that trucks and trailers had been traveling for about three weeks loading a third of their authorized legal possibilities.
In support of this reconstruction, we have also the correspondence between Fincantieri and SI.PU.RI.NA., which speaks explicitly of 40,000 tables, match played at my work process by Cipponeri Anthony: We've also his statements under oath that speak of a surplus of 30,000 units of the tables, and also of Federico De Lisi, taken from the documentation "Job 5.1. 0515. 300.00" -89 2-3, arising from the sale of 40.000 tavole.
Il capo dei guardiani Lo Galbo Giuseppe ed il guardiano oggi in pensione Stefano Salerno (residente a Palermo in Corso Calatafimi 509 tel 59......., se adeguatamente messi di fronte alle loro responsabilità, potranno certamente raccontare meglio la faccenda. A mio avviso essi sono complici per necessità, costretti dagli organi aziendali. Il Cipponeri, al mio processo del lavoro, ha altresì esibito una risibile nota credito senza per questo menzionarla: parava il colpo in anticipo, nel caso avessimo insistito sull'inispiegabile rientro di 2.200 tavole dopo ben nove mesi dalla vendita. Leggendo questa nota credito, possiamo definitivamente comprendere la manovra in atto.
La nota credito per erroneo invio detta così: metri 165.75 equal to 2,200 cubic tables, and fails once again an important fact, which could engender a fair investigation by the Labour Court (the reference to which the bubbles which is linked to the credit note). This further evidence may be easily verified. As far as I'm concerned, as of now I am sure that these bubbles are not more than six.

Mr. Prosecutor, in essence, according to the findings of fact, the Cipponeri Anthony could give, that in any event for a patrimoniodi Fincantieri is one billion three hundred million, and that to secure the friendship and Galatolo and the support of the industrial design that offends gestioned'un and humiliate the dignity of workers.
I would remind the SV, that the tables in question, even if used for a job, they were like new, having themselves a working tool of long duration. This can be checked ensuring the purchase of tables for scaffolding in the last two decades. You will notice that their purchase is very fingerprint over time, and never had been such a thing. As a young man I did pontista with a company that operated within the yards, and bridges, on behalf of the shipyard, as a ship fitter, I worked for 21 years. They are then available to the SV. To adequately explain how and why they are a heritage of great importance for a shipyard that operates mainly in the field of ship repairs.
I attach the affidavits engineer Anthony Cipponeri, a printout of Fincantieri, which prove the falsity of those statements, and copies of handwritten notes taken (prior to his dismissal), by Federico De Lisi who said he was available to confirm the Court, the news here documented, and shed light on other disturbing incidents relating to the management company, also documented in the application he submitted to the Appeals Court for the work, Pellino in September 1991. Also enclose copies of invoices produced by Cipponeri to my work process, the note rate, the correspondence between SI.PU.RI.NA. and Fincantieri e il certificato antimafia esibito per conto del rappresentante legale della SI.PU.RI.NA.

Con fiducia
Gioacchino Basile

(il teste che volentieri testimonierà, Federico De Lisi, è residente a Palermo in via Aloisio Juvara... )
Post scrptum: prego di voler dare notizia- così come previsto dalla legge – della eventuale archiviazione.
Per meglio capire cosa accadde poi; leggere la relazione della Commissione Antimafia ( l'unica che ordinò le serie indagini di merito alla Polizia Giudiziaria) che unitamente alle argomentazioni rese nella lettera aperta, senza inequivocabili chiarimenti da parte della Prosecutor of Palermo, indicate the motive for the massacre of D'Amelio .... All the attendants could not happen with Paolo Borsellino vivo.


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