Thursday, December 30, 2010

Fiat 411 Tractormanual

Orecchini in Rame e Agata Viola

So how was Christmas?!
We ate so much?! Siiiii! We discarded many gifts?! Siiiii! I received two regaloni so-called "creative". Una bella valigetta porta attrezzi dove ho già riposto rame, ottone, martelli e ceselli, e un abbonamento annuale per Donna più Creativa, yuppi!!!^_^ Potevo desiderare di meglio?! Poi ci sono stati anche altri regali bellibelli, ma vi risparmio l'elenco...questi due erano quelli più vicini al mio hobby, per i quali valeva la pena esultare qui sul blog.
Passato Natale ci si prepara ad accogliere il nuovo anno, e per salutare questo 2010 che se ne va, vi mostro questi nuovi orecchini in rame cesellato e agata tinta. In realtà sono pronti già da un bel pò, ma tra tutorial natalizi, il giveaway e i regali da realizzare a mano (aimè, alcuni consegnati senza nemmeno essere photographed), I always put the photo shoot. Today I am determined and it was really exhausting (even exaggerate !^_^) photino two decent kick in the foil that did not reflect this world and the other one.

As I did for the plates of this series even these records were first worked by the chisel, and finally antiqued spatinati in the middle to create a contrast of colors ...
... Find them in my shop Dennishop up and soon on Artesanum .

Vi ricordo il mio Giveaway  in corso, se volete partecipare o solamente conoscere la gattuccia Pepa potete fare un salto qui !

Vi saluto e a risentirci al 2011!!!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Indian Grocery Chicago Door Delivery



begins on 1 January.
The gym?
starts on 1 January-
The end of 'to be a social smoker?
begins on 1 January.
The foil-drink-at least not-for-1-month?
begins on 1 January.
savings in view of my fantastic journey ?
begins on 1 January.

almost forgot that the 1st of January I will be with jeans undone for too much food and hoarse voice for too many cigarettes, gym membership card will mysteriously disappeared in During the evening of the craziest, and my wallet empty miserably because of the festivities.

These are my best wishes for a sparkling 2011 full of satisfactions and personal work ...
thoughts down and the glasses , many heartiest greetings to you all.

recipe quick, tasty and relatively light pre-dinner, pairing-Taleggio cheese is a great diversion from the cream.

400 gr. Spaghetti
1 cf.
ricotta 150 grams of Taleggio
Hg a speck
1NO red onion

finely chopped onion (I used my knife on vegetables by Pedrini ) and let cook for about ten minutes over very low heat with a little oil and the bacon cut into strips.
Then add the Taleggio cheese and diced by turning off the heat and stir so that it forms a smooth sauce.
Season the pasta with this delicious combination of flavors and serve immediately so that it does not dry too.
Io ho utilizzato un coppapasta rotondo by Pedrini  per impiattare.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

18 Years Old Gay Sauna

Many tables practices directly on your iPhone, iPod touch and iPad

E’ comodo, anzi addirittura indispensabile, per velocizzare i tempi di lavoro, avere subito e sempre a portata di mano, in questo caso nel “palmo della mano”, quelle tabelle che utilizziamo più spesso per la nostra attività o che semplicemente ci permettono di controllare in tempo reale la veridicità di dati che ci vengono comunicati o che dobbiamo utilizzare per ottenere dei risultati più complessi, senza dover per forza ricorrere ad ingombranti testi o anche piccoli fascicoli che creano volume e peso impossibile da gestire in ogni momento.

Ecco perché sorge l’esigenza di avere alcune delle tabelle utili o più consultate tutte con sé in pochissimo spazio, peso e soprattutto in una manciata di secondi e due o tre “tap”.

Per rispondere a queste esigenze nasce l'applicazione “ TABELLE PRATICHE ” che nella prima versione contiene i seguenti gruppi principali di tabelle:


- Interessi legali
- Tasso Ufficiale di Riferimento (TUR)
- Indici ISTAT costo della vita
- Rivalutazione TFR

Aliquote IRPEF 2005-2006
- Personal income tax rates from 2007
depreciation coefficients - coefficients usufruct

- INPS Artisans and Merchants
- INPS Separate

E 'plans for the next updates , the inclusion of additional tables. The application
TABLES PRACTICE is: Tabelle Pratiche - VinBoiSoft

Ultimate I Spy Paper City Arrow

control codes with iPhone, iPod touch and iPad

Application CONTROL CODES allows real time control of the consistency of the following codes:

tax code - VAT
- Controcodice INAIL: verifica il codice di controllo INAIL relativo alle posizioni assicurative aziendali ed ai codici ditta dei datori di lavoro. Il controcodice INAIL viene generalmente identificato nella modulistica con la sigla C.C.
- Controcodice INPS: serve per verificare il codice di controllo INPS relativo alle matricole aziendali dei datori di lavoro (ultime due cifre della matricola).
- Codice IBAN (Italia): è uno standard internazionale utilizzato per identificare un’utenza bancaria la cui indicazione è attualmente diventata obbligatoria per i bonifici. Esso consiste in due lettere rappresentanti la nazione, due cifre di controllo ed il codice BBAN nazionale.

In particolare CONTROLLO CODICI consente di:

- check the website of ' the Inland Revenue was last updated VAT controlled;
- check Controcodice INAIL , entering the position number of insurance business (consisting of eight digits) code or company (indicate only the last eight digits) assigned to those policyholders (employers, artisans etc ...) and copy the code found in the notes;
- check Controcodice INPS, introducing the first eight digits of the number serial company attributed to employers and copy the code found in the notes;
- check IBAN code on Italian Banks, ABI entering the code, the code CAB and bank account number and copy the code found in the notes;
The application is CONTROL CODES: Controllo Codici - VinBoiSoft

Shag Band Colours And Meanings

Albero di Natale in filo metallico - Tutorial -

Per i ritardatari che non hanno ancora provveduto ad addobbare la casa in perfetta atmosfera natalizia ecco un'idea originale and fast to make by hand a Christmas tree in less than 10 minutes!
The idea was suggested to me the my husband the other day while we were driving in a snowstorm. He turns and says: "But if feasible of earrings shaped like Christmas tree?" Drawing in the air as if they had. I look at him a bit puzzled ... thinking, but you look at this Tze who became takes' creative attack, I will mica steal art?! ... He not begin to imagine the discomfort of the ears hang something pulling wires, pull hair, tiratutto, wants me to wear two Christmas trees?! ^ _ ^ Then at night (of night if I seize the creative anxiety stay awake for hours, sigh!) reflect a little on the idea, after all, I thought it was funny and cute and could also be developed differently! So that giving all the credit for the brilliant idea to him, as it should be ^ _ ^, I started work.
Let's see! You need a malleable metal wire (mine is aluminum gold) fairly often, 2 or 3 mm in diameter, at least 2 feet long to make a small tree about 13 cm high ; 8-10 cm thinner wire, 1 mm is sufficient, and the red felt for the starlet.

The conical shape of the tree is given from a spiral made of wire. You start making a small loop with the pliers and continuing to wrap the cone with the help of pliers flat beak. (Not having been able to make pictures in this step, I recommend this video very clear)
You will get a large spiral around 9 cm wide.

Once ready you just have to push the spiral from the center up to give shape to the cone, making sure that the various "plans" are the same distance between them. In this way you have a tree ready to decorate. I chose a very simple and minimal decoration with a simple star in red felt, but can be decorated in many ways, perhaps making the micro beads to hang in fimo, beads, beads or twisting of the structure of ideas there ... are so many!

for the starlet, however, I cut out two shapes in pannolenci red (most often felt better though) to attack each other with overlapping inserted into the center piece of a thread that will help to sustain the star sull'alberello!
Questo è quanto! Mi spiace aver fatto poche foto, ma spero di essere stata chiara. Se avete bisogno di aiuto per qualsiasi cosa scrivetemi pure!

...poi mi sembra anche un albero a prova di gatto...^_^ niente palline da far cadere!!!

Questo, invece, è più o meno quello che subisce il mio povero albero ogni giorno!

Con questo simpatico video vi ricordo il mio Giveaway dedicato a Pepa, vi saluto e auguro un
Felice Natale a tutte you who pass by here! :)



Piatto Mebel

Cari amici,
vi auguro di passare delle feste serene assieme ai vostri cari e circondati dall'amore e l'affetto di famiglia ed amici.
Vi auguro di avere sempre il sorriso sulla bocca e la pancia piena .
I hope you will be overwhelmed with gifts, though, you know, the-important-is-being-together.
bubbles I wish you many, many colors and lots of candles .
We hope that the warmth of ' love, of happiness , fireplaces and why not, one of the radiators to warm your hearts .
Many wishes for a Merry Christmas to you all and your families!

Here is my gift of great finger food patties to accompany a delicious home made tartare sauce .
The tartar sauce is definitely become my new drug, and you can also use it to make a much more tasty vinaigrette.

SERVES an unknown number (TAAANTE) OF BALLS:
600 gr ground beef 2 small pork sausages

1 hg
bacon 1 / 2 red onion
3 tablespoons grated cheese 2 eggs

(a handful finely chopped celery + carrot forward by tartar sauce) salt

bread grated (I did a mix of old bread & breadsticks)

put in a bowl large the ground, the sausage, onion and bacon finely chopped, grated cheese, eggs and a pinch of salt.
Mix well and proceed to form into balls the size of a classic Lindt chocolate (I know it makes the idea, I know!), Passing then into the breadcrumbs.
let them rest for a few minutes and in the meantime, heat the extra virgin olive oil 2 fingers / the wok (I never understood if it is male or female) know when temerature is dipping a toothpick and seeing the bubbles along the toothpick.
Cook the meatballs in groups of 6 / 7 (the pan should not be too full) for a few minutes until they are beautiful golden, then let scolare su carta assorbente.
Nel frattempo preparate la salsa tartara così:
tritate FINEMENTE (io grazie al mio nuovo coltella da verdura by Pedrini viaggio che è un piacere) mezzo gambo di sedano,1/4 di cipolla,1/2carota, un cucchiaio di capperi e 3 cetriolini e metteteli in una ciotola assieme ad un paio di cucchiai di mayo e ad uno di senape (proporzioni 3:1) o comunque finchè non raggiungerete la quantità desiderata.

Conclusione sul piatto?
Ehm, abbiamo finito il tutto troppo in fretta per poterci pensare!

Piatto Mebel

greedy Note: we made two other types of balls with the same dough.
A version a bit 'bigger with heart of Asiago, then cooked in olive oil, and the other with the heart of Asiago, but always cooked in a casserole (I love my new ceramic casserole by Pedrini ) with fried oil + garlic and tomato sauce )

Plate Mebel

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Drivers Ed Courses In Suffolk County

- Giveaway - FascinationStreet -

Hmm, a Giveaway!? Well, it's time to show the world my roommate to 4 feet, what better time to celebrate?! ^ _ ^ E 'already arrived at our house a little bit, but now I can photograph it well. She is a saucy Pelosetta not standing still a minute, the Christmas tree trembles at the sight. Naughty that nibbles your fingers and slips under the covers looking for a hot hot dog house where she dozed a little ... is Pepa (Peppinella for the more intimate ^ _ ^) and I present it in its best pose!

If someone if you were wondering, is that's my bag and that's really my bed, Tze, dogfish evil! ^ _ ^ So that
to celebrate the arrival of Pepa I want to give you a gift but since I'm curious to know if you have a pet at home. You then leave only one comment (who did not even write a blog address e-mail) a questo post entro il 10 gennaio 2011,   mettere il banner sul vostro blog   (se volete pubblicarlo anche su facebook fate pure ma non è obbligatorio) e incrociare le dita!
La più fortunata riceverà in regalo questi orecchini in rame anticato realizzati a mano da me!^_^

Iscrivetevi numerose e Buona fortunaaa!!!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Dayton Timberline M/t Tires

Collana in Rame e Rubino

But there is much satisfaction in creating something from nothing with his hands, and work to shape each piece?!
me, I am slowly realizing, with copper, creating, shaping and hammering the wire, or working with the foil. I never thought you could be able to create me own metal parts, yet a little bit slowly taking shape. , were born two plates in a textured copper chisel and some other things you'll see the next post!
The chisels were courtesy of my father, who has carefully preserved them for years and years (battered, forgotten in a drawer ^ _ ^ but these are special!). I had no idea where to begin, and even now I do not have to tell the truth, but I also wanted to try using a little intuition! I must study more ...

The result is what you see above ... not happy, I customized some of the plates, oldest first and then only the facade spatinando worked to create this effect consumed. Pearls and faceted handles are in hard stone ruby \u200b\u200bcolor.

This necklace found in the My Store on Dennishop or the Featured Artesanum .

Dead Can Dance - The Snake And The Moon -

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Small Size Wireless Web Camera

Pacchetti Natalizi e Mini Tutorial

But you can have the first of 25 Christmas parcels or it must not spoil the surprise mystery to the recipients?! What you certainly should not be revealed is the content, but that's not there I do see mica! ^ _ ^ Meanwhile, however, packets will show you them. I've made a little early,
having sent someone, and I thought I would propose it as a cue to wrap your gifts. I used some bright colors this year because of using the usual Christmas colors I did not, and I focused more on the decoration. A simple decoration simple and super fast. For the boxes I used this tutorial , changing the shape of a square sheet measures 14x14 with the base, adding, however, a few millimeters per side for more lid (this step is vital because otherwise your box does not will be shut down!)
Once prepared the box to planned tech decoration on the lid is a snap!
^ _ ^ You just choose a nice card, maybe with some nice design, and cut to size of the cover.

On the back of the package, I drew a star, a Christmas tree and a ball, but you can draw anything (in design are not very good eh!). I cut out the shapes with a knife and I stuck with glue on the lids, also using the shapes in the negative.

This is the result, because of the unconventional colors, but in my opinion really nice ^ _ ^ I like things simple but effective ... and I love the wrapping paper!

here in a group photo!

GreenHouse Effect - Paris -

Friday, December 3, 2010

Ic Butal-apap-325- Caff Tab

Orecchini Ottone Anticato

are in the process of experimentation. What I do not get enough, I can not wait to learn.
based aging and oxidation, foil and new tools in their hands, do not know where incominicare, I need to make some order and go with order. Mental order, the ideas are so many that at least half way for me to lose, and perhaps it would be almost time to pin iniziarsele. I mean I do not forget anything for your time. Even a little physical, however, would not hurt. Material wherever I and my three roommates ^ _ ^ (mom-dad-cat) would benefit from a little to take advantage of space in the room. Especially the Pelosetta (there I would submit), I'm sure would be happy to stretch out a bit on the bed, I see who wanders around and stretch their necks upward, perhaps attracted by strings of pearls and the heat felt on the bed resting.
I said, the experimental phase. I antiqued brass, it turns out a very dark green patina. I'm s-patinated brass antique ...???( concerns ?!^_^)... I Semi spatinato the brass with the steel wool * producing a very interesting contrast of colors. Below you can tell!

* The steel wool is used for polishing furniture, to spread the wax in the restoration or to smooth and polish the metal, but there are also those who used to polish the marble floors. Its use varies depending on the grade of fineness. The most often used for coarse work, as they go down and the grain becomes finer can be used for finishing work. On the surface material is a harmless and easy to use, but it is important to know that the steel wool, even when wet, is highly flammable. Furthermore, when used produces a powder metal and I suppose it is dangerous if inhaled for salutes. In my research on the web about this product, however, I did not find much guidance on the precautions to be taken when using it. Personally I follow the advice of the bridegroom, and when the use wearing a mask and try to work placing the metal polish on a magnet so that the metal powder is attracted to it. Surely there is more information to know, but these are the only things I could find. If you have some more information, including how to use it, or want to correct my inaccuracies, go ahead. ^ _ ^ I'd like to know more about the "working tools"!

Siouxsie & The Banshees - Israel -

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

How To Retie Moccasins

Orecchini rame in fiore

I came home, but mostly I'm back attiva creativamente. Rame, pinze e martello mi sono mancati! Il viaggetto è stato abbastanza proficuo, almeno per quanto riguarda i libri per la tesi e per le mostre. Il tour perlinoso non sono riuscita a farlo, ma ho capito in che zona di Roma devo cercare. Grazie ad Elisond e Cinzia per le dritte! In ogni caso qualche piccola novità ce l'ho, vi farò vedere!
Ecco, volendo già questi orecchini una novità la contengono, una piccola barretta in rame limata e lucidata a mano. Certo sono ancora in fase di sperimentazione e collaudo, ma sono soddisfatta lo stesso. Piano piano sto riuscendo a realizzare quello che ho in mente e  avere del materiale in più, un papà che ci capisce qualcosina e tools at hand helps me to at least know where to begin to give concrete form to ideas.

The XX - Shelter -

Friday, November 19, 2010

Marijuanna Blood Pressure

Bangle in Feltro 2

exam done yesterday! Yuppi, rejoice! ^ _ ^ Now I give myself a little vacation, I go to Rome to see my sweet little brother and his wife (tone deliberately pandering, I know you read!). In reality, not just a pleasure trip, at least not alone. I'll go around the library looking for books for my thesis, is not it quasi arrivato il momento, ma spero di fare altri giretti, vorrei fare una capatina qui e anche qui , ma quest'ultima credo salterà! Certo anche un bel negozio perlinoso non mi dispiacerebbe, qualcuno ne conosce uno a Roma da consigliarmi?! Intanto vi mostro questo bangle, che è amico di questi già presentati. Niente di più semplice, rotolo in cartone di riciclo e feltro a volontà!
Un bacio e alla prossima settimana!^_^

Santo Niente - Luna Viola -

Friday, November 12, 2010

Praktika To Nikon Adaptora

Orecchini - profumo di cioccolato -

back here on Friday evening, to write quickly to introduce something backward. Earrings, what a passion! ^ _ ^ As Copper antique with this warm tone that makes me think of chocolate, I like very much to inspire me and continue to work again and again! The shape is a little strange, not so much a diamond perfect, but nice to wear, dressed with a warm cream and a little flower felt wad of copper used in two different ways.

 Blonde Redhead - Hated Because of Great Qualities -

Monday, November 8, 2010

Filmgratis-my Mario Salieri

Dropbox is the easiest and free way to synchronize and share files online

Dropbox is the easiest way to synchronize and share files between computers and online.
The application is designed for iPhone and iPad and allows you to:

  • Look at the photos, videos, documents and presentations via your Dropbox "portable".
  • Save Photos and videos taken with your iPhone camera in your Dropbox and even video in HD if you have an iPhone 4!
  • Share and send files via e-mail link or copy and paste to share with another application.
  • Export files to Dropbox for iPhone and other iPad.
  • Select your favorite files for fast downloading and viewing offline.
  • Browse your photo galleries

Requirements: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch and iPad. IOS requires 3.1 or later.
This application requires a Dropbox account. If you do not already have a Dropbox account, the application will will create one for free .

Application Dropbox - Dropbox is a free download from the App Store Dropbox - Dropbox