Wednesday, December 22, 2010



Piatto Mebel

Cari amici,
vi auguro di passare delle feste serene assieme ai vostri cari e circondati dall'amore e l'affetto di famiglia ed amici.
Vi auguro di avere sempre il sorriso sulla bocca e la pancia piena .
I hope you will be overwhelmed with gifts, though, you know, the-important-is-being-together.
bubbles I wish you many, many colors and lots of candles .
We hope that the warmth of ' love, of happiness , fireplaces and why not, one of the radiators to warm your hearts .
Many wishes for a Merry Christmas to you all and your families!

Here is my gift of great finger food patties to accompany a delicious home made tartare sauce .
The tartar sauce is definitely become my new drug, and you can also use it to make a much more tasty vinaigrette.

SERVES an unknown number (TAAANTE) OF BALLS:
600 gr ground beef 2 small pork sausages

1 hg
bacon 1 / 2 red onion
3 tablespoons grated cheese 2 eggs

(a handful finely chopped celery + carrot forward by tartar sauce) salt

bread grated (I did a mix of old bread & breadsticks)

put in a bowl large the ground, the sausage, onion and bacon finely chopped, grated cheese, eggs and a pinch of salt.
Mix well and proceed to form into balls the size of a classic Lindt chocolate (I know it makes the idea, I know!), Passing then into the breadcrumbs.
let them rest for a few minutes and in the meantime, heat the extra virgin olive oil 2 fingers / the wok (I never understood if it is male or female) know when temerature is dipping a toothpick and seeing the bubbles along the toothpick.
Cook the meatballs in groups of 6 / 7 (the pan should not be too full) for a few minutes until they are beautiful golden, then let scolare su carta assorbente.
Nel frattempo preparate la salsa tartara così:
tritate FINEMENTE (io grazie al mio nuovo coltella da verdura by Pedrini viaggio che è un piacere) mezzo gambo di sedano,1/4 di cipolla,1/2carota, un cucchiaio di capperi e 3 cetriolini e metteteli in una ciotola assieme ad un paio di cucchiai di mayo e ad uno di senape (proporzioni 3:1) o comunque finchè non raggiungerete la quantità desiderata.

Conclusione sul piatto?
Ehm, abbiamo finito il tutto troppo in fretta per poterci pensare!

Piatto Mebel

greedy Note: we made two other types of balls with the same dough.
A version a bit 'bigger with heart of Asiago, then cooked in olive oil, and the other with the heart of Asiago, but always cooked in a casserole (I love my new ceramic casserole by Pedrini ) with fried oil + garlic and tomato sauce )

Plate Mebel


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