Friday, February 11, 2011

Akiba-online Is Down.

Club Sandwich alla nostra maniera

I remember the sun .
And sea.
I remember the light rays reflected sull'acqua ci scaldavano il viso arrossato .
Mi ricordo il vento tra i capelli.
Mi ricordo le risate , il nostro appartamento , la sangria e il pesce fresco , le gite in barca e le escursioni a piedi lungo chilomentri di spiaggia.
Mi ricordo il Marocco all'orizzonte, e i nostri sogn i di ragazzi.
Mi ricordo l'incosciente promessa che saremmo stati amici per sempre .
Una promessa fatta a bocca piena mentre facevamo merenda con il più grande e buono Club Sandwich history.
Behind us a fiery sunset and the ocean that is dyed in many colors.
We could have been, but it did not happen.

The Sandwich Club of today is not that, but it was eaten along with true and sincere friends for which I would do anything, and vice versa.
People who have made me regain confidence in feeling strange and complicated, perhaps more than love, which is called Friendship .
Thank you for being so special, I love you!

As with most dishes, there are many versions of this sandwich layers, although the official, born in 1894 in an American club for men only, the Saratoga Club House only provide for roast chicken, crispy bacon, lettuce, tomato and mayonnaise taaaaanta.

16 big slices of bread (it will be 4 each)
a medium roast chicken
4 medium red tomatoes
lettuce or green salad
4 eggs
Bacon / bacon / speck (I forgot this detail and I bought some ham but has proved an excellent substitute!)
mayonnaise yogurt
Cheese: Asiago / Gruyere / Sottilette

The beauty of this sandwich is that anyone can create the version you prefer!

If you do not find the chicken do you (as we did) putting it in a nice dish filled with spices (garlic, sage and rosemary) and with plenty of meat for Seasonings Roasted by Ariosto .
Bake at 200 degrees for 1 hour, checking from time to time and cover the meat with the liquid that will release in the chicken cooking, doing so will become very tasty!
When it is ready let it cool down and clean it well by putting all the meat in a bowl.
Boil the eggs and cook for 8 minutes to the boil, finely chopped tomatoes and wash the lettuce.
very good Toast the slices of bread in a pan with a knob of butter (yes ehhhh!).
We made up our Club Sandwich as follows:
white bread + mayo + tomatoes + eggs + mayo
pancarrè+mayo+pollo arrosto+lattuga+mayo
pancarrè+mayo+Asiago a fettine+Prosciutto cotto+mayo

Servito su una foglia di insalata e ... ciao!
Gioia per i nostri palati!

Buon week end, baci.


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