Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Cuor di risotto alla pancetta e zucchine, con cipolle rosse caramellate

Piatto Mebel

"Ho ancora in mente il preciso istante in cui ti ho visto per la prima volta .
Era una sera di fine estate, nell'aria solo scent of flowers and song of crickets.
At that moment I realized that I did not want anyone , all my life, I could swear.
After there was the first handshake, the first two kisses on the cheeks, the first SMS and jealously guards in my memory, and then the first kiss, the taste of hazelnut, one evening in September , before giving goodnight.
Then I remember tears, pain and misunderstanding, you did not understand why I love you so much, I really do not, we knew so little.
Per un intero anno più niente, e poi è arrivata una nuova, magnifica estate .
La nostra estate.
E poi ci sono stati altre risate, altri baci, altre carezze, altre promesse, altre serate passate guardando le stelle, tenendoci per mano.
Ci ha messo tanto ad arrivare quel lontano 21 dicembre 2003 quando sotto una nevicata illuminata dalle luci natalizie mi hai fatto la domanda che sognavo di sentirmi fare da sempre.
Ho risposto semplicemente yes ...
nose reddened from the cold red nose against the cold and even kisses.
From that day I still have butterflies in my stomach when I think of you, and I hope I never pass. "
I want to spend countless nights together, for infinite morning cuddle, endless laughter as we cook, endless days for us.
I make you happy as you make me happy.
I really really love you.

Let me post this for a good romantic, very good cause, and that is the contest for Valentine "Hart to Hart" the beloved Flavia .

Here's my heart, the heart of a zucchini risotto with bacon & caramelized red onions with some eye-catching.

Serves 2:
200 gr. Carnaroli (each has its own preferred)
1 large zucchini
diced bacon (just get a better slice at the counter and you cubettatela)
1 / 2 red onion 1 onion
blonde big

1 carrot 1 stalk celery
cream (concedetemela)
grated Grana

begin by preparing the vegetable broth in a saucepan put half an onion skin with blonde, carrot and celery, salt and let go a low heat.
Wash zucchini and cut into fine julienne helping with the mandolin, watch out!
icing Slice the onion, red fatela soffriggere in un padellino antiaderente (MasterChef by Illa ) con una nocciolina di burro, stufatela poi con un mezzo bicchiere d'acqua aggiungendo un cucchiaio raso di miele e di zucchero.
Sbucciate la restante mezza cipolla bionda,affettatela a velo e tritatela per bene.
NB: nel risotto ci va la cipolla, vi prego!Mi viene orrore quando vedo che la cipolla viene tagliata a metà e semplicemente posata in padella e poi tolta!
Rosolate bene la cipolla in una casseruola (in ceramica by Pedrini ) con un goccino d'olio o una noce of butter, when it will be well softened, add the zucchini, a pinch of salt and let it go for about ten minutes.
Put the rice, let it toast for a few seconds and this is when cooking gradually adding the vegetable broth that you have previously prepared.
Rice will put us 15 to 17 minutes to be cooked, so to stop the 13 th minute and then add liquid to absorb the excess.
off and stir in a goccino plenty of cream and parmesan.
need help with a heart-shaped pastry rings (by Guardini , very easy!) and finished with caramelized onions, which give a wonderful splash of color as well as taste.


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