Sunday, January 30, 2011

Play Games Where You Get Pregnant

Frolla flavored with orange marmalade, ricotta and chocolate chips and ... ORANGE A CONTEST!

Teglia GP & Me

Today I need c or l o r i .

Che mi diano la forza di affrontare un’altra luuuuunghissima settimana.
La mattina mentre vado al lavoro non posso fare a meno di guardare gli aerei che lasciano le loro scie nel cielo tinto di rosa , e mi ritrovo a pensare a quando toccherà a me, a quando ci sarò io su uno di quegli aerei.
Ma agosto è ancora lontano.
E il giorno della partenza lo è di più.
Mancano 193 giorni e 4654 ore .
Sì.Mi sono creata un countdown personale.

In mancanza quindi dell’imminente partenza sono spostare le mie forze e le mie attenzioni verso un’interessante e golosa inziativa delle mie carissime amiche de “La Banda dei Broccoli”, che hanno indetto il loro primo e profumatissimo contest “La Banda declina arancio … e tu ci stai?”.
Sono convinta che le vostre case pulluleranno di arance (e chi non le avesse mi scriva, io sono piena!!), quindi non vi sarà difficile creare delle ricette che abbiano appunto come protagonista indiscusso l’arancio ingrediente.
Ricordo che basta un po’ di succo per rendere delle semplici scaloppine un secondo stuzzicante e originale , una torta sfiziosa e profumata e un’ insalata gustosa e interessante .
Per chi non conoscesse questo blog … anche se credo siano in pochi a non conoscerlo, le suddette ragazze sono un concentrato strepitoso di avventure, ricette e curiosità, e seguirle è un piacere giorno dopo giorno.
Mi hanno chiesto di essere uno dei giudici, assieme a Stefy di “Araba Felice in cucina” e assieme to Ornella of "Ammodomio" and I accepted with great pleasure, it will be fun for once to be on the other side of the bench!
I leave you the link of the band, run immediately to read, we expect many!

Here is the recipe (obviously not in competition) with whom I wish good luck to all of you!

200 grams of flour 100 g butter

100 gr di zucchero
1 uovo
1 tuorlo
1 pizzico di sale
½ bustina di lievito
La scorza di un’arancia

1 cf. di ricotta
1 uovo
2 cucchiai di zucchero
Marmellata (arance&vaniglia)
gocce di cioccolato

fate ammorbidire il burro, tagliatelo a cubetti e mettetelo assieme a tutti gli altri ingredienti in una bacinella, amalgamandoli e lavorandoli bene fino ad ottenere un impasto omogeneo e compatto.
Cover with plastic wrap and let stand 15-20 minutes in refrigerator.
Grease the pan you will use ( I used a springform pan by GP & Me ) for cooking and in helping roll out the dough with your hands ( or if you are more comfortable first roll out the dough with a rolling pin and then transfer it into the pan.
Work then the ricotta with the sugar and egg, cover the pastry and then ended with plenty of jam.
bake at 170 degrees / 180 ° (depending on your oven) for about 20-30 minuti.
Decorate infine con le gocce di cioccolato.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Cake Templates For Good Luck

medallions of pork with red onions and fresh plums

Piatto Mebel

Finally's friday!
Oggi mi sento molto come i tizi della pubblicità del Campari quando si scapicollano fuori dall'ufficio per andare ad aperitivare .
Uhm .. peccato siano solo le 8.00 di mattina, non propriamente l'ora dell'aperitivo!
(Inoltre grazie al mio fioretto di inzio anno di limitare apertivi & Co. non posso nemmeno andarci stasera, uff!)
This means that missing 8 hours of phone calls of payments of invoices and customers.
What am I doing in an office yet I am not very clear, but that's okay.
I think of my brand new passport jealously guarded in a drawer and hands me everything.
for good food, too, because there is never a precise time , here is the recipe for scallops made more interesting lately.
Experimenting with the meat in my house never stops.
I am very curious dai vari abbinamenti che si posso utilizzare per rendere le fettine più sfiziose e stuzzicanti.
Nulla da togliere a quelle con il vino bianco, a quelle con i funghi, o a quelle al limone, ma volete mettere il gusto pungente e stuzzicante delle mie scaloppine alla salsa di soia oppure il gusto seducente e leggermente agrodolce di quelle che vi propongo oggi?
Non c'è storia.

400/450 gr di lonza di maiale a fettine
1 cipolla rossa
10 prugne secche

past the slices in flour, I had the baby why do not I have beaten, if you have some good frog put them between two sheets of plastic wrap and flatten gently.
Chop the onion fine and even plums.
In a saucepan (ceramic by Pedrini) fry well well on both sides of the meat in plenty of clarified butter, when you will have formed a nice crust, add a pinch of salt, onions and plums, then put the lid on and then go for ten minutes on low heat, if necessary by adding half bicchiere d'acqua.
Servite le bistecchine con abbondante sughetto sopra.
Vi assicuro che sono deliziose, le cipolle rosse e le prugne si sposano alla perfezione!

Che altro dire, vi auguro di passare uno splendido e rilassante week end, io cucinerò una favolosa cena di pesce e alcuni antipastini per il compleanno della mia mammina.
Ah, ho anche in programma di provare una nuova favolosa ricetta per la carne moooolto particolare (almeno io non l'ho mai sentita!!).


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Anniversary Of Death French

Orecchini rame - Di goccia in goccia -

Ri-eccomi qui a postare di nuovo...orecchini !^_^
Vabbè, di questi sono proprio innamorata,  non mi pesa presentarveli.
Credo di avervelo ripetuto innumerevoli volte di amare i metalli, il rame in particolare. Amo lavorarli e dar loro forma, forme semplici, essenziali ma di effetto. Adoro i loro colori e quelli che assumono nel tempo. Il rame ad esempio, all'inizio è rosa-rosa sbrilluccicoso, che fa paura per quant'è bello, poi rossastro e piano piano sempre più scuro, oppure prende un colorito marrone scuro se anticato, e si, amo anche quello! A dire il vero amo anche il verderame, ma questa è un'altra storia e prima o poi vi dirò...^_^ Quando poi si gratta via un pò di anticatura il "rosa mozzafiato" riappare a creare un connubio di colori e sfumature meravigliose, as in these earrings.

spatinato The effect is realized, as I had done for these earrings with steel wool 0000 (4 zeros) grain useful for extra fine polishing and scratch off only a little bit of antiquing.
are already on Artesanum !

Massive Attack - Paradise Circus -

Shower Before Or After A Wax

Lasagna with Zucchini and Taleggio

La mia mammina dice che la foto di queste lasagne (sì, sono delle lasagne!) è orrenda, ed effettivamente lo è.
Ti amo mammina mia.

Edit: in realtà mi ero prefissata di fotografarle nella mia graziosa teglia ma avevamo troppa fretta di mangiarle!
Comunque ammettiamolo: come si fa a fotografare BENE delle lasagne ?
Le lasagne devono essere cremose , morbide , zeppe di ingredienti!
Voglio vedere se vi presentavo una fetta rinsecchita che stava in piedi alla perfezione che mi dicevate!
No no, questa è la mia idea di lasagne.
E poi non volevo aspettare di rifare il piatto, magari a qualcuno di voi piacerà così tanto che lo farà per cena stasera, o domani .. potevo privarvi quindi di tal ricetta?
Per la rubrica “La pasta fresca della domenica” (anzi, devo proprio crearla questa rubrica, consideratelo fatto!), vi presento oggi delle “lasagne verdi” con ragù di zucchine, besciamella e Taleggio .
Inutile che vi dica che sono una delizia.

INGREDIENTI PER UNA TEGLIA DA 4 PERSONE (se era da 8 comunque non ci saremmo lamentati, anzi!)
Per la pasta:
200 gr di farina
2 uova
1 pizzico di sale

Per il ragù di zucchine:
5 zucchine medie
2 spicchi d’aglio

Per la besciamella:
100 gr di burro
100 gr farina

1 lt latte

400 gr di Taleggio

in una ciotola mettete la farina a fontanella, aggiungete al centro le uova ed un pizzico di sale, amalgamando bene il composto partendo dai lati e aiutandovi con una forchetta, quando si sarà rassodato spostatevi sul piano del tavolo ben pulito oppure sull'asse di legno lavorando bene la pasta.
Preparate la macchinetta ( io ho utilizzato la mia nuova Atlas 150 by Marcato) fissandola bene al tavolo, procedete tagliando pezzetti di pasta dello spessore di circa 2 cm e tirateli cominciando dal livello 1, ripiegandoli su se' stessi fino a raggiungere la desired consistency.
Go up to Level 7 / 8 (remember that the dough of the pasta should be a little thicker than for ravioli) lightly flour the sheets to prevent sticking.
Continue to finish the pasta and arrange the leaves on a plate or on a dusting with more flour.

Continue slicing / chopping the zucchini with the aid of the mandolin, to be reduced to practically julienne.
then fry in a pan (ceramic by Pedrini ) cloves of garlic along with a goccino oil, aggiungete le zucchine, un pizzico di sale, mettete il coperchio e lasciate andare per circa 10/15 minuti a fuoco lento se necessario aggiungendo acqua, alla fine dovrete ottenere una sorta di ragù morbidissimo.

Preparate la besciamella (per il procedimento potete guardare la mia ricetta qui ) e amalgamatela poi con le zucchine, questa sarà la salsa delle lasagne.
Cuocete le sfoglie per un minuto in acqua bollente leggermente salata e con un goccio d’olio per evitare che si attacchino (io ne metto una alla volta) e riponetele poi su un vassoio.
Cominciate a comporre la teglia spennellando di salsa il fondo, mettendo una sfoglia, abbondante salsa e qualche pezzo di Taleggio, continuate fino ad esaurimento degli ingredienti terminando con salsa, Taleggio e grana grattugiato in abbondanza, in modo che si crei una magnifica crosticina durante la cottura.
Infornate a 200° fino a perfetta doratura.

Mi sembra ancora di sentire il profumino … I love it! 

Sunday, January 23, 2011

About Front Office Department

The first pastry never forget ...

Dicono che la prime volte non si scordino mai.

La prima parola detta, il primo Babbo Natale visto, il primo dentino caduto e la prima bicicletta .
Poi arriva il primo giorno di scuola , la prima gita scolastica, il primo brutto voto , e il primo castigo .
La prima cotta , il primo bacio , la prima volta , e il primo cuore spezzato .
Il primo fidanzato , la prima cas a , il primo cat or dog first, the first and the first bills holiday together.
The first (and hopefully only) marriage , the first son ... and then everything starts all over again, with so many new firsts.

you to remember your own?
I do, maybe with some time to forget, but what I can not just forget is the smell of pastry that bakes in the oven.
My first pastry.
Indeed, our first pie crust, the first of many.

If any of you like me to be prevented in the sweet, try this recipe, it is very safe and easy success, and you can indulge in the filling!


200 grams of flour 100 g butter 100 g

sugar 1 egg yolk 1

1 pinch
salt ½ tablespoon baking

2 apples

Jam (jelly)

let the butter soften, cut into cubes and put it together with all other ingredients in a bowl, mix and working fine until a homogeneous and compact.
Cover with plastic wrap and let stand 15-20 minutes in refrigerator.
Meanwhile, peeled and sliced \u200b\u200bapples.
Grease the pan you will use for cooking and in helping roll out the dough with your hands (or if you are more comfortable roll out the dough with a rolling pin first and then transfer it into the pan.
Cover of jam that will be the bottom of the cake, I used a beautiful orange & vanilla che ci ha deliziati.
Procedete con le mele a raggiera e se volete con della gelatina, infornate a 170°/180° (dipende dal vostro forno) per circa 20-30 minuti.

Buona settimana, e che profumi di torta di mele!

Giveaway vinto!

you know who won the Giveaway What happens in a creative mind !?! ^ _ ^ But iooooo!
And now, because after the bad luck megagalattico past New Year's Eve in bed, 2 January fortune went to visit and has done much to forgive me abandoned in the last few days of celebration. ^ _ ^ The Gift
raffled by Erika had some fantastic earrings!

Photo by Erika What happens in a creative mind

Here they are, in all their glory!
earrings are precious, as the lampworking glass beads were handmade by her own ... true works of art!
glad to have known her and to have been able to touch his creations, is a very good Creative, I invite you for a ride on his blog where you will find very interesting post about the lampwork technique, and more!
Thanks Erika ^ _ ^

Last minute update! Hopping between the blogs I found this very interesting Giveaway Lori Anderson

I run to join!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Birthday Present Request With Invitation

Chicken Satay with peppers and eggplant tempura rolls cabbage

Adoro la cucina etnica.

Specialmente quella orientale .
Mi affascina perché per me è molto di più che gusti strani con salse strane e cotture strane.
Per me è una perfetta unione di sapori e di colori , piacevole al gusto ma anche alla vista , del resto l’ estetismo è una caratteristica molto presente nella cultura orientale.
Preferisco le ricette lunghe ed elaborate , mi piace sentire gli ingredienti a tutto campo, sperimentarne di nuovi (come la salsa di soia dolce che è stata una piacevolissima scoperta) e vederli amalgamarsi tra loro to perfection.
Among other things, yes I know they are unforgivable, I forgot to tell you that thanks to my recipe for Ramen won the contest Recipes by Oscar organized by Sara the blog "Cook and the City" that thank you again.

I studied much the recipe I am presenting today.
His writing is in fact a mix of information I found in cookbooks and on the web.
But what is the Chicken Satay, or Chicken Satay?
E ' un piatto tipico thailandese , di quelli che puoi trovare per strada vicino ad altre leccornie come scorpioni e insetti vari.
Sono degli spiedi sui quali poter sgranocchiare pollo piastrato e insaporito con una salsina a base di bagigi, noccioline, arachidi o peanuts che dir si voglia, rigorosamente non salati.
Premetto che ci sono un’infinità di varianti di questa ricetta, io come dicevo prima ho preso ciò che più mi piaceva delle versioni che ho trovato ed ho creato la mia, quindi direi che si tratta di un “Chicken Satay alla mia maniera”.

For the chicken:
450 g chicken / turkey (I used the wonderful chicken fillets)

For the sauce: 1 cup
and half unsalted Bagigi
2 cloves garlic 3 shallots

3 small dried chillies soaked in hot water
1 piece of ginger
Lemon grass (or lemon peel)

tamarind juice 2 cups water
a spoon of sugar
2 cucchiai di salsa di soia dolce

Per la tempura:
1 melanzana lunga viola
1 peperone rosso piccolo
1 peperone giallo piccolo
100 gr di farina 00
100 gr di farina di riso
Acqua frizzante GHIACCIATA q.b.

tagliate a rondelle di medio spessore la melanzana e mettetela su un piatto spolverando di sale.
Fate lo stesso con i peperoni tagliandoli a faldine.
Marinate the chicken for a few hours in a bowl with soy sauce and sweet shallot (you may skip this step but I assure you it will not go to the detriment of the taste of the finished dish).
Chop the Bagigi with the mixer and set aside.
then chop all the other ingredients (garlic, shallots, chilies, ginger, lemon grass / lemon) and brown it well in a small pan (I used my lovely Pomilla by Illa) with olive oil.
Bagigi Then add the chopped, water, tamarind juice, sugar and soy sauce and let simmer for about 5 minutes stirring constantly.
Skewer the fillets of chicken with the wooden skewers and grilled previously wet well well on cast iron plate continuously brushing with sauce Bagigi and sweet soy sauce (I got a little 'sauce, put in a cup, mixed with soy sauce and used in this mix).

last thing to take in some tempura.
I do not think to tell you things new recommendation to use a portion of flour 00 and a portion of rice flour.
Least strictly advised to use sparkling water ice (put in freezer for about ten minutes).
then mix the two flours in a beautiful bowl, and slowly add the sparkling water ice until you get a batter but not too sticky.
Hey, and if you do not create lumps prestateci too much attention to the taste will be nice and tasty!
abundant Heat peanut oil in wok, and when the temperature reaches proceed with the dip the vegetables into the batter and then fry them in oil for a few seconds, until they swell and appear crisp.

Serve alongside the chicken with its sauce on a bed of lettuce and red onion cut veil, accompanied by vegetables tempura with sweet soy sauce.

Buon week end e grazie davvero per l’affetto che mi dimostrate ogni giorno, vi voglio bene!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Plans For Halloween Coffin

Orecchini Rame - Nature -

This week it's out of laziness ... I have done some work and therefore I have not presented anything new here on the blog. I created several components in copper, I smartellato and even cut and polished copper plumbing pipes, but when it came time to assemble and to shape the jewelry could not find various forms and combinations that convinces me. I am convinced that the reason and is also a very easy to locate. I'm sick of seeing the usual beads and the usual colors ... I need to buy beaded urgently! ^ _ ^ (Any excuse!) I promise to try to put something on the internet, even if they can not touch what I buy weighs a lot, but now I have time to travel non-Roman and here I am very little.

Nevertheless, a mix that I like I could pull it out of the available material and two semi-precious stones in varying shades of green to put together two squares worked, dancers and tinkling. Here they are! Just put in

Billy Corgan feat. Robert Smith - To Love Somebody -

Who Wears A Brown Polka Dot Dress

network in dough, iced with pink grapefruit with pork tenderloin, smoked ham and mustard

Piatto Mebel

La scomparsa di qualcuno mi lascia sempre inerme e incredula.
Le domande che mi faccio da una vita restano lì, in un angolino, senza una risposta plausibile.
continue and will continue to die moms and dads, children and defenseless people, without which nobody can do anything.
blame anyone but they say there is not seen is simplistic and immature, even unfair, but then who can we turn the doubts that afflict us?
Sometimes a day starts badly for no reason.
Sometimes a reason, or rather "THE" reason is there, and the ugliest of all.
a loss.
In this day of mourning for my company, io sono qui, a pensare a dei figli senza più una mamma e ad un marito senza più la compagna di una vita.
Sono qui con le mie domande senza risposta

Scusate lo sfogo, passiamo al cibo.

Confortante e consolatorio .
L’unica certezza che abbiamo in questa vita.
Ecco la ricetta per l’ MT Challenge di questo mese.
Oggi parliamo degli cabbage rolls.
A dish originally rustic and poor, on the tables of families since ancient times, as with cabbage, kale and company have always been there in abundance.
But it does not go so back in time, in my family, the cabbage is used more often, and from a young age are closely linked to quest'ortaggio I've always liked.
Rolls of today initially were to have a filling of shrimp slightly east.
Then the dear accomplice Pat blog of "home flavor" (if not you know you go to make them a visit because his blog is really soooooo greedy ), which has beaten me on time:) I opted for a different filling.
Put one evening after work put your Meggy who capers around up and down the supermarket looking for inspiration , put a succulent pork fillet and an even more succulent smoked ham Black Forest.
I do not need to add more.
I thought I'd make do with cabbage leaves more than a dignified end, filled with soft flesh, the scent of mustard and the aforementioned ham.
All enclosed by a grid of tasty pastries, and last but not least a sauce that I still feel ill thinking about it.

4 large cabbage leaves
450 grams of pork fillet
4 slices of smoked ham (I have a grim from the Black Forest)
medium or sweet mustard
a roll p.sfoglia
1 pink grapefruit

Wash the leaves of the cabbage and cook in boiling unsalted water for about ten minutes, should be pretty soft.
Meanwhile fry well well well well the whole fillet in a pan with plenty of ghee (I used a ceramic pot by Pedrini ) again for about ten minutes, then turn off the heat and allow to stand meat.
Dry the cabbage leaves with a paper towel, if necessary remove the filament and brush with mustard (I used a brush with nylon bristles by Pedrini ), go with a slice of ham and finish with a piece of thread that have been cut in 4.
Roll tighten the leaf of cabbage, press well so as to determine the "parcel" and proceed to form the network with the aid of a roller for diamonds (by GP & me) we get by dividing the p.sfoglia always in 4.
Finish with the network of coating the dough and roll by removing the excess dough.
Bake at 180 degrees for about 15 minutes until the pastry will not be pretty colorful and crisp.
Squeeze the grapefruit in the saucepan with the gravy, add a teaspoon of sugar and then reduce the sauce.
Servite gli involtini spennellati di salsa.

Monday, January 17, 2011

How Long Does It Take To Test For Syphilis


Ho sempre avuto un debole per la pasta fresca .

Per me fa tanto domenica .
Ricordo quando da piccola la facevo assieme alla mia mamma, lei paziente mi insegnava come fare, mentre io con le mie manine infarinate impiastricciavo tutto.
La macchinetta tirapasta era quella della nonna, classica e funzionale .
La nonna non c'è più, e io sono cresciuta, ma quella macchinetta silver is still there, between the utensils of his mother, waiting to be used again along the axis of wood.
So now it's up to me, with my pink coffee together with flour and elbow grease, this is my first ravioli, although cough and cold that I (or rather "us" are, because my boyfriend was thrilled as I am of the new Atlas 150 ) come very well, indeed, more!
The filling was a real "stuffing rescue " ingredients gleaned from those that arise around in the fridge.
Something tells me that from now on will be on Sunday ... pasta!
Good week to you all.

For the dough:
200 grams of flour 2 eggs

a pinch of salt

To Filling:
50 g cheese
100 grams of diced bacon
1 medium leek
3 tablespoons of tomato sauce
Millefiori honey

in a bowl put the flour in a fountain, the center add eggs and a pinch of salt , mixing well the mixture from the sides and with the aid of a fork, when hardened will move on the table or on the axis of clean wood working the dough.
Prepare the machine securely fastened to the table, proceed by cutting pieces of dough about 2 cm thick and starting to take them from level 1, closed in on 'the same until you reach the desired consistency.
Follow up to level 9 lightly flour the sheets to prevent sticking.
Continue to finish the pasta and arrange the leaves on a plate or on a dusting with more flour.
Meanwhile finely chopped leek, sauté in a pan with a little oil and a pinch of salt and a little stufatelo 'water for ten minutes until it becomes soft, add a spoon of Wildflower honey and let it go for another 5 minutes.
In a nonstick saucepan (Perfect Cooking by Illa ) brown the bacon with a goccino ino ino oil and a tablespoon of water that issued the leeks in cooking, the result is stratospheric, a tasty bacon and sweets at the same time!
Put the ricotta in a food processor, bacon and 3 tablespoons of cut and blend well until mixture is smooth but not too liquid.
Using a pastry rings diam. 8 cm (by Pedrini ) cut the dough into circles of equal size, then you are going to brush the edges with water (I used a brush with nylon bristles by Pedrini ) and fill the center with the mixture, without calling in order to avoid too much cooking bait, say, a heaping tablespoon is the perfect amount.
Overlay then another circle of dough, seal edges well helping with the prongs of a fork and cook in lightly salted boiling water (the boiling must not be too strong though) for about 4 minutes.
Serve with the sauce of leeks and honey and if you want with a sprinkling of grated cheese.

I wanted to make ravioli because I like the "wings" of pasta before the filling, but you can do the format you want!

Friday, January 14, 2011

First Anniversary Of Death What To Say


Da tempo desideravo fare una crema di pomodoro .

Ieri sera era il momento giusto.
Peccato che i pomodori non siano propriamente una verdura stagionale adesso, così ho pensato di optare per i pelati .
Ottima idea.
Il risultato è stata una crema (per le disquisizioni sui termini "zuppa, crema & vellutata" vedere qui ), fresca e piacevole , acidula al punto giusto e veramente perfetta per cominciare un pasto, magari a base di pesce.
A base di pesce perchè come sono solita fare, ho arricchito il piatto con dei piccoli scampi freschissimi saltati in padella con una noce di burro salato e una spolverata di peperoncino .
Mi viene ancora l'acquolina in bocca.

1 latta di pelati buoni (chi ha orecchie per intendere...)
1 peperone rosso medio
1 porro medio
8 scampi
burro salato

estraete i pelati dalla latta e tenete il loro liquido da parte.
Tagliateli a pezzetti assieme al peperone e metteteli in una casseruola con un goccio d'olio a stufare per circa 20-30 minuti aggiungendo acqua quando necessario.
Affettate finemente il porro e fatelo ammorbidire con un goccio d'olio e un pizzico di sale nel tegame dove andrete a cuocere la crema (io ho usato la mia nuova Pomilla by Illa , una pentolina ideale e ideata to make gravy, but also perfect for soups, creams and soups), add the peeled and the liquid and let go until the tomatoes and peppers are ready.
then peeled & Transfer peppers to the pan of leeks, cook for another ten minutes so the flavors can blend in well, add salt and then whisk it all.
Shelled prawns (2 integers by taking them for decoration) with the aid of a scissors, remove the black head and gutted them, rinse them and saute until golden brown in a pan with a knob of salted butter and a good sprinkling of pepper.
Add the shrimp to the cream, stirring gently, then serve it with the whole lying above.

Ideon (sin I have come too late): You can also create fantastic finger food recline teaspoons peeled prawns on a veil of cream! Colorful and effect !

And here's the news in pink
I'm sorry if some of you are STTA misguided thinking that maybe expecting a little girl ... I can not wait to come true this just to tell you;)
But first I have to go in California, Florida, the Caribbean, in Lapland, moving house, earn more, while we're mature ... so I think we have to wait for the festivities a little '!
It is not a child but a new and invaluable aide , I am pleased to introduce my Atlas 150 pink!
Marcato thank for the welcome gift and for the appointment and give you practical stendipasta soon on these screens!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Why Do My Cats Play Patty Cake?

I bring the cake! ... SALT! With Roman broccoli, sausage and pork loin stracchino

This is more or less the classical reserve response to an invitation to dinner.

I love to go to dinner with friends.
I like to think about what to bring so as to give my contribution to the evening greedy.
I like to spend the afternoon preparing snacks thinking at the moment to be savored with a glass of bubbles.
I like to choose something nice to put on, because even if you do not go to the restaurant is always a dinner.
I remember when I was little, and went to dinner with my parents by their friends ... I traveled all day chills of excitement from mixed with agitation, and sometimes I even had the classic mal-di-da-belly- dentist.
I liked to guess what they cooked, and then be surprised by something that I had not really thought.
Then the years went by and there was the first dinner new home with old friends, now are halved tragically, even more, but always remember with pleasure.
have passed and there was the other first dinner at home new friends in the end they decided they, too, and new recipes , new dreams e nuove speranze .
Attorno ad un tavolo e con la pancia piena si parla e si ragiona meglio , l'ho sempre detto.
Ecco cosa porterei se mi invitaste a cena, una bella torta, ovviamente salata , pure con la griglia tipica della crostata realizzata grazie al comodissimo rullo per losanghe by Gp&me , ma qui di zucchero non ce n'è nemmeno l'ombra.

1 cf e 1/4 di pasta sfoglia
1 piccolo broccolo romano
150 gr di stracchino
1 salsiccia
2 spicchi d'aglio
1 uovo

provate il broccolo delle foglie e delle parti più dure e fatelo cuocere in pentola a pressione peruna decina di minuti dal fischio.
Non ditemi che avete paura della pentola a pressione perchè è uno scandalo (è quello che dico sempre al mio moroso), io sensa pap non vivrei!
Nel frattempo sbriciolate la salsiccia e fatela rosolare in padella antiaderente con un goccino d'olio e 2 spicchi d'aglio.
Quando il brocolo sarà pronto aggiungetelo alla sausage and fry everything well adding a pinch of salt.
Put the vegetables then tossed in a bowl, add the cheese and egg and mix well.
unroll the first roll and fill with the mixture p.sfoglia leveling them well on the surface.
unwind even 1 / 4 roll and some other well with the pressing roller to create diamond and then carefully enlarged with the decoration which will complete the cake.
Bake at 180 degrees (I used my handy mold opening diam. by 28 cm GP & me) until golden brown.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Tvdvd Portable 10 Inch

And the winner is...

Here finished my first Giveaway ... what to say?! Thanks!
Oh yes, thank you because you were really so many to participate, well
almost 97 and I can hardly believe it. Thanks for the nice comments, for introducing me to your four-legged friends, thank you for celebrating with me the arrival of Pepa ... We are honored and touched! ^ _ ^
But let us .. . the lucky winner is ... roll tamburiiiii!

Bijoux Rita is the winner, congratulations! Waiting for the mail with your address!

Thanks again to everyone who participated ... and soon!;)

Monday, January 10, 2011

Thermostat Fridge Work


Plate Mebel

Today is really the re-start the everything.

Trillo (hateful) of alarm, swearing in various languages \u200b\u200bknown and unknown, the cat protesting in a loud voice for the hungry (but do not wake up too recently to 11 , Cat ???), the the garbage truck to the house, the rain, the fog and traffic.
Although some of us have not had the good fortune to fall today, I seem to be missing for a century.
It took me more than a few seconds to remember the password for the computer and turn on the lights of the office.
In my mind I was still under the duvet to the rolls of taste until late morning ...
Too bad then it's more customer disturbing of all to remind me that I was not just under the duvet ...
Luckily a good news to brighten my day there was, and is a story all pink, soon you will get informed!
great week everyone!

Today's recipe is simple, fast and tasty, a great idea to save a last minute dinner or to make the most delicious slices of meat! I liked the idea of \u200b\u200bthe bundle version , but you can also ask the roast!

Serves 2:
8 slices of pork loin
2 eggs
8 cubes of frozen spinach (or a good handful of fresh spinach, are no doubt more good but I do not have)
Chardonnay / white wine

put the slices of pork loin between two pieces of film and beat well.
Prepare then two pancakes with one egg at a time, a handful of grated cheese, a pinch of salt and pepper, cook with peanut butter in a frying pan so they are pretty thin.
Boil spinach in salted water for about ten minutes and then let them jump in oil, garlic and a pinch of salt.
omelette stuffed with meat, spinach and if you want anche una fettina di speck, chiudete gli involtini con degli spiedini in metallo (io ho usato i miei comodissimi by Pedrini ) oppure con degli stuzzicadenti, passateli nella farina, fateli rosolare bene bene in una casseruola (io ho usato la mia in ceramica by Pedrini ) con abbondante burro chiarificato e sfumate poi con il vino bianco.
Lasciate cuocere per circa 15 minuti aggiungendo dell'altro vino se necessario.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Sanyo Bread Factory Recipes

Primo post dell'anno

Happy New Year to all! ! A bit late, eh 2011 ?!^_^ This started without me noticing, or rather, I realized, of course, ma solo da quel rumore fastidioso e a tratti assordante che ha disturbato il mio agitato sonno da moribonda...ebbene si, virus anche per me...quale giorno migliore per ammalarsi se non il 31 dicembre?! Sigh! Tralasciando le sfighe di inizio anno, oggi vi mostro l'unico regalo handmade che quest' anno sono riuscita a consegnare per tempo e a fotografare.
Li avrete sicuramente riconosciuti questi orecchini che ho regalato alla mia cara amica Kinà avevo già presentati qui . Le piume rosa in quarzo cherry le ho sostituite con chips in fluorite e rame anticato, cercando di personalizzarli il più possibile secondo i gusti di Francesca. I hope I did! ^ _ ^

Ragassuole I remind you that Monday, January 10 Giveaway Ends my ... you have already registered all?!
Hurry, very little to really miss' extraction! ;)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Lots Of Cervical Mucus 1 Week Before Period


Piatto Mebel
Non amo particolarmente i dolci .
Or maybe I just say that because I do not know them .
But if I had to choose between a royal cake or a juicy roast ...
... would win by far the succulent roast .
My taste buds dancing on savory notes, and occasionally even Pappano cakes, pastries and chocolate , sides for quite salty .
not get me wrong, I remain pleasantly surprised and delighted before a certe creazioni divine o davanti a certe vetrine di pasticceria, ma invece di infilare il dito nella panna montata sono solita arrotolarmi sul dito una bella fetta di speck .
Ecco perchè, complici dei fiammanti stampini  by GP&me , oggi vi presento dei fragranti cannoli di pasta sfoglia riempiti con due farce colorate e deliziose.
Un perfetto finger food da buffet oppure un coreografico appetizer.

1 small broccoli Roman
3 handfuls of shrimp
2 cloves garlic
250 grams of salt stracchino

begin preparing cannoli, splitting the roll of puff pastry into 8 equal sections.
proceedings are the molds with strips of pastry, in a circular fashion so that the broth may overlap, thus creating a more crisp.
Bake 180 ° up to a perfect golden brown and allow it to cool before carefully remove from the molds.
pressure cooker then boil for 15 minutes from the whistle, the private Roman broccoli leaves.
In the meantime, boil in salted water until shrimps are also afloat.
When the broccoli is ready to transfer it into a large pan in which you have low and saute a clove of garlic with a little oil and saute the vegetables very well add a pinch of salt.
When it is ready remove it and put it aside.
Drain the shrimp in same pan and saute the broccoli with a drop of oil, a clove of garlic and a pinch of salt for a few minutes, then add the cheese and mix well.
Fill gently with the two guns farce (half and half) with the aid of a teaspoon and serve along with some broccoli and a spoonful of shrimp.

With this recipe I participate in the contest "Say Cheese" Elisa's blog "recipes Elisina"