This is more or less the classical reserve response to an invitation to dinner.
I love to go to dinner with friends.
I like to think about what to bring so as to give my contribution to the evening greedy. I like to spend the afternoon preparing snacks thinking at the moment to be savored with a glass of bubbles.
I like to choose something nice to put on, because even if you do not go to the restaurant is always a dinner.
I remember when I was little, and went to dinner with my parents by their friends ... I traveled all day chills of excitement from mixed with agitation, and sometimes I even had the classic mal-di-da-belly- dentist.
I liked to guess what they cooked, and then be surprised by something that I had not really thought.
Then the years went by and there was the first dinner new home with old friends, now are halved tragically, even more, but always remember with pleasure.
have passed and there was the other first dinner at home new friends in the end they decided they, too, and new recipes , new dreams e nuove speranze .
Attorno ad un tavolo e con la pancia piena si parla e si ragiona meglio , l'ho sempre detto.
Ecco cosa porterei se mi invitaste a cena, una bella torta, ovviamente salata , pure con la griglia tipica della crostata realizzata grazie al comodissimo rullo per losanghe by Gp&me , ma qui di zucchero non ce n'è nemmeno l'ombra.
1 cf e 1/4 di pasta sfoglia
1 piccolo broccolo romano
150 gr di stracchino
1 salsiccia
2 spicchi d'aglio
1 uovo
provate il broccolo delle foglie e delle parti più dure e fatelo cuocere in pentola a pressione peruna decina di minuti dal fischio.
Non ditemi che avete paura della pentola a pressione perchè è uno scandalo (è quello che dico sempre al mio moroso), io sensa pap non vivrei!
Nel frattempo sbriciolate la salsiccia e fatela rosolare in padella antiaderente con un goccino d'olio e 2 spicchi d'aglio.
Quando il brocolo sarà pronto aggiungetelo alla sausage and fry everything well adding a pinch of salt.
Put the vegetables then tossed in a bowl, add the cheese and egg and mix well.
unroll the first roll and fill with the mixture p.sfoglia leveling them well on the surface.
unwind even 1 / 4 roll and some other well with the pressing roller to create diamond and then carefully enlarged with the decoration which will complete the cake.
Bake at 180 degrees (I used my handy mold opening diam. by 28 cm GP & me) until golden brown.
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